Through the Endeavors category, we encourage the professional body, civil society, public administrations to engage in innovative and speculative architectural projects that go beyond the boundaries of traditional practice and that by their nature or activities, participate in increasing the quality and understanding of the object and practice of architecture. This category serves as a platform for architects, designers and thinkers to explore new ideas, methodologies and technologies that challenge conventional understandings of space, functionality and aesthetics.

In this category, experimenting becomes possible, giving participants the opportunity to present how architecture can respond to evolving societal, technological and environmental challenges. By entering this category, contributors can influence the future direction of architectural design and theory, making a tangible impact on the profession and the community.

In the Endeavors category, we want to celebrate, recognise and promote visions, initiatives and experiments in architecture and related fields, together with their creators.


Useful information for registration

What type of projects can be registered in this subcategory?

This category is open to both realised and speculative projects, including:

  • architectural education;
  • participatory initiative;
  • public policies;
  • new materials, studies on materials;
  • product design;
  • guided tours;
  • summer schools, creative residencies;
  • research projects
  • cultural projects in the field of architecture.

Registered projects must be started or completed between July 2022 and July 2024. projects started before July 2022 but which are still in the process of implementation can also be entered

Commissioned and unrealised works or architecture, design, public space projects created for the purpose of participating in other competitions cannot be entered (e.g. a non-winning project at Europan cannot be entered as an initiative in the Beta Awards).

Who can register projects in this category?

This category is open to projects initiated by members of the professional body, civil administration or civil society.

Before you start the Beta Awards application process, we recommend reading the rules and application guide carefully.

To apply to the Beta Awards you will need to:

  • complete the entry form for the category you wish to enter. Please prepare in advance all necessary data and materials for submission. In the application guide, you will find all the essential documents to prepare your materials in advance.
  • prepare your exhibition board according to this layout: Layout_01. This will be uploaded to the entry form in Jpeg, jpg, or png format, with a resolution between 150 and 300 dpi, and a maximum size of 20 MB. For this category, your exhibition panel will need to contain: floor plans, optional - if applicable, level plans with captions, if applicable, photographs of the work, during events, project results, any other diagrams, analysis pieces, or specific details needed to understand the project.
  • prepare images for the website. You will need to upload a minimum of 3, a maximum of 10 representative images for the project. It should not exceed 1.5 MB/image.