Application Guide

You can use this guide to prepare your information and materials ahead of time for your Beta Awards application. The application will have to be completed in one session, so it will be useful to have everything ready. We also recommend that you carefully read the rules of the competition.

To make the application process as easy as possible, we have prepared some editable files so that you can have all the necessary materials ready in advance.

Please use the document for the category/categories you wish to apply for.

Selected projects from all categories except Text will be exhibited as panels.

If your project is selected following the first stage of judging, your exhibition panel will be printed on an A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) hardboard by us. To simplify the application process significantly we have decided that you will only have to deal with the image part of this panel, the text project details will be generated automatically from the application form. This way you can prepare the images for the panel using the layouts below.

Once prepared in your preferred software, please export a single final image with the entire layout in .jpeg, jpg or .png format, and save it to be used in the online application.

The exported file must be exactly the size of the layout, a resolution between 150 and 300 dpi, and a maximum size of 20 MB.

If you have any difficulties you can contact us at [email protected] and we will help you.

For the categories Built Space, Interior Space, Public Space, Graduation Projects, and Endeavours, please use the following layout, Layout_01:

For the Photography category, please use the following layout, Layout_02_PHOTOGRAFHY:

For the Text category please refer to the section Preparing the file for the Text category, which can be found below on this page.

The layout for the exhibition panel was created to ensure uniformity and a consistent experience for the Beta Awards exhibition. The layout also makes sure that all the panels have the same opportunity for visual impact when being judged.

It is important to respect the competition layouts:

✅ Carefully respect the placeholders that mark the areas for images or image compositions.*
✅ Please respect the instructions offered for these areas.
✅ Please prepare the compositions by following the examples offered in the layout kits.

It's important not to improvise outside the layouts:

❌ Don't add one big image for the entire panel.
❌ Don't use the main image area for image compositions.
❌ Don't modify the number or the placement of the areas marked for image placing.*
❌ Don't move/delete the Beta logo.

*for the Photography category the 3 images that accompany the main image can have any proportion (landscape, portrait or square).

For the categories Built Space, Interior Space, Public Space, Graduation Projects, and Endeavours, please use Layout_01

For the Photography category, please use Layout_02_PHOTOGRAPHY

For the Text category please refer to the section Preparing the file for the Text category, which can be found below on this page.

For the presentation of the project on the Beta website you will have to prepare between 3 and 10 images. We encourage you to also add atmospheric photos, plan sections, etc. The images can be landscape or portrait, but we recommend using predominantly landscape.

For the Text category, only one image will be needed, representing the cover of the project.

We encourage the use of large images, to look good on HD/retina monitors, but be careful with the file size. It should not exceed 1.5 MB/image.

If you have any difficulties you can contact us at [email protected] and we will help you.

For the Text category, please download the following layout:

In writing the abstract and subsequently the final text, please respect the following:

  • limit your text to a maximum of 2500 characters with spaces;
  • use the fonts exactly as provided in the layout (size & styling);
  • the text must contain an image representative of the work, which you will also need to upload to the entry form. Image size 1400 x 960 px.
  • add the name of the author and the title of the work;
  • in the document, the text must be written in English;
  • please use the "Oxford" citation system - reference to source with footnote option (the rules of this system can be found here).

After completing the layout please export it in .pdf format and put it aside to be used in the registration form.