The classic white T-shirt, desired for its sharpness and consistency as a fashion garment, has here been imitated and metamorphosed, an aesthetic and conceptual conduit in its role as costume for the piece The RISE, by choreographer Michiel Vandevelde and composer Eva Reiter, which premiered on September 20, 2024 at the Centre Pompidou.

A series of white T-shirts featuring variations of deconstruction treatments are showcased for cover me softly, alongside a filmed sequence from The RISE, providing a preview of the choreographic and musical elements of the full work. The presentation aims to explore the creative potential of an iconic fashion piece such as the white T-shirt within the context of this interdisciplinary performance piece. Team: Tutia Schaad (designer and project director), Michiel Vandevelde (choreographer), Eva Reiter (composer), Ictus Ensemble (video production).

The workshop will take the idea of reinterpreting the white T further, with each participant making their own rendition, a cover.

*Due to an afternoon flight that Tutia has to catch, the workshop will take place from 11 a.m., and not from 2 p.m., as it says in the schedule.