We continue the around the table meetings on Sunday, the 29th of September, starting 13:00. We invite you to a discussion with and between Vlad Nancă and Vlad Gaivoronschi. The two will have a dialogue based on the project they made together for the cover me softly edition of Beta located at the intersection between art and architecture.

In recent years, a common theme in Vlad Nancă’s work has been extracting the “entourage” of scale figures from architectural drawings and transforming them into life-sized sculptures. This innovative approach reflects his belief that, while architectural drawings may eventually become actual buildings, the scale figures within them are perpetually confined to paper, never realizing their potential to exist in the physical world. Nancă views this transformation as a gesture of liberation, and by enlarging these figures and incorporating them into his exhibitions, he creates new narratives while simultaneously integrating them into his oeuvre in a gesture of appropriation. Many of the figures in his past work were originally sketched by anonymous or unidentified authors. However, for cover me softly, he has extracted two groups of silhouettes from a 1980s building sketch by the architect Vlad Gaivoronschi.

Come have your Sunday lunch with us! We will be bringing a couple of treats. You’re encouraged to also bring anything you like and want to share with the others: to eat, to drink and to talk about.

Recommended donation: 30 lei.