Built Space

Non-residential / New

Mihai Trif

Author(s) / Team representatives

Mihai Trif




Getrix SA Craiova

Co-authors/team members

Mihai Trif, Leontin Trif, Mariana Trif, Nicolae Trif, Andreea Trif, Adela Trif, Ilona Nica, Iulia Periețeanu, Oana David

External collaborators

Șerban Median, Ștefan Petre, Daniel Stan, Laura Oiță

Project location

Craiova, România

Budget in euros


Usable area

530 mp

Project start date

ianuarie 2023

Construction completion date

decembrie 2023


LVL Medical SRL


Recon S.A. Craiova

Photo credits

Adela Trif

Text presentation of the author/office in English

30 years ago, when we founded the company Getrix, we wanted to practice our profession, with confidence in what we knew and free from the constraints of a system with which we were not in resonance. We do everything in our power to create a more beautiful environment that generates existential joy for our fellow human beings. We want to "build history" rigorously, in a unique and authentic way, to achieve excellence following a process that brings refinement and joy to our peers and to us. It is certainly not talent that achieves performance, but commitment, discipline, resilience and perseverance. "Strength of character" I hope expresses us best and is what we want to convey to our road partners. Let's be consistent and vertical, always willing to learn and give the best in us. We make quality architecture, for a better world!

Project description in English

In a context overwhelmed by its complexity, simplicity takes the form of a manifesto. The new extention of the urology clinic is built on an irregularly shaped plot, faceing two streets with visibly distinct characters, both marked by destructive urban interventions. The evolution of Romania Muncitoare Street was affected in the 80s by the construction of the Luxor block, which isolated its eastern segment from the active historical center of Craiova and has led to the emphasis of the abandonment and degradation process, regarding the old shopping street. While widening the A.I. Cuza Street in 2008 has resulted in scars visible to this day in the form of a street segment with undefined alignment and an overall back-of-the-yard appearance. If on the one hand there are these dysfunctions, on the other hand, within the urban island that houses the insertion, the newest constructions announce an organic transition from the narrow and low houses of the 19th century on România Muncitoare Street, to the massive buildings individually disposed of A.I. Cuza Street. This is also the case with the old body of the urology clinic. It fits into the character of the shopping street by aligning with the front and developing in the depth of the lot, but it also resembles its neighbors on A.I. Cuza St. through the height regime. The expansion of the medical center takes into account both the specific requirements of the function and the complexity of a built environment resulting from the confluence of contrasting urban tissues and exceptional urban situations. Slender volume of white plaster, furrowed by the minimum of vertical slits connects to the low height of the immediate neighborhood through three green steps. The lighting of the medical offices is provided either directly or indirectly through light courts. The diversity, excess and dissonance that emerge from personal observations on site, historical study, windows analysis and samples of materiality have guided the architectural solution to an image of simplicity and cleanliness, so appropriate for the function it houses.