
Ana Călinescu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Ana Călinescu



Text presentation of the author in English

Ana Călinescu is an architect. She attended the Faculty of Architecture G.M. Cantacuzino in Iași and École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et de Paysage in Lille, and is currently part of Studio aPunct team, where she creates architecture and design for and with love for people. She enjoys weaving creative ideas and practical sense into ramifications such as architectural installations, scenographic experimentations, architecture and craft workshops, artistic residencies and research in the realm of performance arts.

Project description in English

We walk at our own pace. We walk between blocks of flats, through waves of people, along sidewalks where you can find a bench and a pot of flowers. The space between the buildings is a field covered with paths: concrete, paved or just imaginary, which people use in their daily routine to get from point A to point B, from home to the office, from home to school, from home to the supermarket and back home. During the Romanian Creative Week festival, a stage dedicated to the community and artists covered part of the concrete field between the buildings in the center of Iasi, and this transitional space came alive, filled with energy, energy that spread from individual to individual and covered the whole square during the festival. This expressive space with diffuse boundaries, vibrated by the sun's rays, has lived through the presence of the people who have experienced it. We all leave traces, which remain or are lost without anyone ever noticing that we have been there. But what is it like to feel that each step you take, from heel to toe, cover the ground with meaning, with joy, and connect with the footsteps of those around you in a dance that floats and soars among the buildings?