Iacob Diana-Florina

Author(s) / Team representatives

Iacob Diana-Florina


Absolventă a Universității G.H. Asachi Iași, Facultatea de Arhitectură G. M. Cantacuzino

Co-authors/team members

Îndrumător diplomă ȘL. Dr. Arch. Gabriel Tudora

Project location

România, Cluj-Napoca



Project start date

martie 2024

Project completion date

10 Iulie 2024

Photo credits

Iacob Diana-Florina

Text presentation of the author/office in English

I am a creative person with a passion for the beautiful and from a very young age, I have been fascinated by various art forms, from drawing and painting to dance and photography. This passion naturally led me to architecture, where I found a perfect way to combine creativity with science and technology. My creativity manifests itself not only in my work but also in my hobbies. I enjoy drawing, capturing moments through photography and dancing. Drawing gives me a way to express my ideas and emotions, while photography helps me to see the world from a new perspective and appreciate the beauty around me. Dancing, on the other hand, is a form of pure release and joy, allowing me to connect with myself and others in a profound way. Curiosity is one of my strongest traits. I am always eager to learn new things, be it advanced design techniques, new art styles or different perspectives on life. I enjoy attending workshops and classes, reading and exploring. For me, life is a journey of discovery and new experiences. Every day is an opportunity to learn, meet interesting people and create something beautiful. I try to live passionately and follow my dreams, being open to all that this diverse and fascinating world has to offer.

Project description in English

The House of Photography is a center for centralizing and documenting visual history, connected with similar institutions globally. It will attract and retain talent, contributing to the sustainable development of the city. It also aims to promote contemporary creators and capitalize on the memory of artists, encouraging new generations to interpret reality through images. The House of Photography is seen as an investment in the cultural and educational values of a community, providing opportunities for learning, artistic exploration and connecting with the past and present of photography as a form of expression and documentation. The project aims to create a permanent space providing professional conditions for archiving and displaying photographs and equipment, through the use of special Installations and displays, Digital Exhibitions, Thematic Exhibitions, Public Presentations and Events. Organizing exhibitions is a point of attraction for people of all ages, inviting interaction and connection through images. The concept follows the principles of photography namely simplicity, atmosphere, path, space, composition, light and shadow. Reality in a photograph can be perceived differently and can be distorted by various techniques and tools. Stretching effects and other distortions are often used to create a strong visual impact and to convey specific messages. Thus, the elongation of the corners of the building is intended to amplify the message of the photograph and, when viewed from eye level, the effect of continuity of perspective can be read. The House of Photography is a center for centralizing and documenting visual history, connected with similar institutions globally. It will attract and retain talent, contributing to the sustainable development of the city. It also aims to promote contemporary creators and valorize the memory of artists, encouraging new generations to interpret reality through images. The House of Photography is seen as an investment in the cultural and educational values of a community, providing opportunities for learning, artistic exploration and connection to the past and present of photography as a form of expression and documentation.The existence of this center will stimulate the city's economy and encourage local talent to develop their skills in a supportive environment, providing opportunities for public exposure.