Built Space

Non-residential / New

Laura Mocanu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Laura Mocanu





Co-authors/team members

arh. Dud Liza, arh. int. Alexandra Cotabitiu, arh. int. Raluca Ciev, arh. Emanuela Trutulescu

External collaborators

ing. Catalin Oancea, ing. Attila Siklodi, ing. Ciprian Vlad, ing. Cristina Popescu, ing. Ovidiu Tifui

Project location

loc. Gheorgheni, jud. Cluj, Romania

Budget in euros


Usable area

594.80 mp

Project start date

octombrie 2023

Construction completion date

iunie 2024




Dimmer SRL, MDA Total Construct SRL, Thermovest Prod SRL, Bilka Steel SRL


See Website

Photo credits


Text presentation of the author/office in English

arhiGAMMA was founded in 2017 out of the desire to bring quality and professionalism to the field of architecture and interior design. ArhiGAMMA deals with architecture, urban planning and interior design projects, both in the residential and commercial fields. The services offered include the realization of projects from idea to implementation and follow-up of the execution down to the smallest details. In a competitive market, arhiGAMMA managed to accumulate, through more than 40 completed projects, the experience necessary to deliver premium projects to clients. Currently, the architectural projects are both from the residential and commercial areas, in addition to urban planning and urban development projects, and the interior design projects are addressed to both commercial and residential spaces.

Project description in English

The event hall "TheBarn" is located near the city of Cluj-Napoca, in the town of Gheorgheni, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, but close to nature and connected to the local landscape. "The Barn" project started as a multifunctional space to serve both for the organization of private events and for large corporate events. Thus, the floor plan of the hall was thought out in a simple and clean way, which delimits 3 large areas: the main area - the event hall, the area for the public and the staff area. Having a simple and clean plan, the architectural game was achieved through volumetry and implicitly through the structure that defines the identity of the place and the space.On a volumetric level, there is a main body that is outlined by a generous glass and wood structure that constitutes the main access to the location and a secondary body attached to the main body that receives a small angle deviation to capture the landscape of the place and the visual opening to the city Cluj-Napoca. The joining of the two volumes is done at the structural level, through creativity and engineering mastery, giving the interior space fluidity and coherence. The interior space of the hall is thought and defined by the light that enters through the 20 linear m skylight located in the ridge of the roof, by the curtain wall in the secondary volume, but also by the curtain wall located in the pediment of the main volume. In this way, at any time of the day, the light input is different, and the personality of the space also changes depending on the time of day. The exterior space of the building is also an integral part of the project, being defined by a generous terrace "in the console" that offers fluidity and finesse, being related to the level differences between the access areas and the positioning of the volume on the plot. At the same time, the construction enjoys two accesses, one main, in direct relation with the terrace and the access in the construction and a secondary, landscape type that is integrated in the green space and visually leads the route to the main access. The structure of the building is made exclusively of wood, on a "timberframe" type system, the foundation and the slab on the ground being the only structural elements made of reinforced concrete. The interior and exterior finishes were also made of wood, combined with metal and tin to obtain comfort and coherence between the structural area and the architectural approach of the space.