Interior Space

Interior Design

Purice Dan Catalin

Author(s) / Team representatives

Purice Dan Catalin





Co-authors/team members

Purice Azap Bianca, Purice Dan Catalin, Damian Alexandru

Project location


Budget în euros


Usable area

70 mp

Project start date

Februarie 2023

Construction completion date

Ianuarie 2024






See Website

Photo credits

Purice Dan Catalin, Purice-Azap Bianca

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Dan Purice and Bianca Purice - Azap - architects and co-founders of the company SC 313 DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE PARTNERS SRL, founded in 2019 in Timisoara, Romania. Our office offers complete architecture and interior design services, covering all stages of a project: consulting, concept, design, project management and site monitoring. Through our projects we combine the passion for design with the aesthetic and functional requirements and needs of our clients.

Project description in English

The whole project is designed as a harmonious whole that connects all the spaces with each other through textures, materials and lights. Therefore, the key element of the project was the pacing and dynamism of the vertical surfaces with the aim of reducing the effect of the length of the circulation so that through texture and material we create continuity towards the living area of the apartment. The perspectives from the access play a very important role in this project, aiming to attract you to the living area once you enter the apartment. The wall coverings in the hall expand and guide us through light effects and through materiality towards the key point of the apartment: the living area. The furniture of the hall gradually opens the perspective towards it. Each perspective invites you to discover the rest of the space, through the element that enhances it, be it a detail or a texture on the wall. The beneficiaries resonated with the texture of terrazzo from the beginning and everything started from this material. We used it where we wanted something to stand out and balanced the entire space with other, more neutral textures. A challenge of the interior design project was embedding the hood desired by the beneficiary in a false ceiling that would integrate harmoniously with the rest of the space. The dimensions, proportions and positioning of all the proposed textures and volumes were dictated by the space, out of the need to make it as unified and harmonious as possible. The main element of the living area is the kitchen island, which is distinguished by its texture, material and detail.