Andrei Șerbescu, Adrian Untaru,  Bogdan Brădățeanu, Esenghiul Abdul, Tiberius Tudor, Laura Oniga, Cristina Budan, Madalina Andrei

Author(s) / Team representatives

Andrei Șerbescu, Adrian Untaru, Bogdan Brădățeanu, Esenghiul Abdul, Tiberius Tudor, Laura Oniga, Cristina Budan, Madalina Andrei





External collaborators

PTH+DE: Deco Architects, Structură: Concept Structure, Instalații: DD Eurocom, Arhitectură Peisageră: Beros Abdul

Project location

Bucharest, Romania

Budget in euros


Usable area

15 817 mp

Project start date

Ianuarie 2019

Construction completion date

Decembrie 2022


Forte Partners

Photo credits

Vlad Pătru, Stefan Tuchila

Text presentation of the author/office in English

ADNBA was established in 2003 in Bucharest, by Andrei Șerbescu and Adrian Untaru, later joined by Bogdan Brădățeanu and Esenghiul Abdul. With almost 20 years of architecture experience, ADNBA is a group of dynamic architects and professionals with various background and skills, always in search of the balance between experiment and experience in order to develop the best design solution for each project. The practice is involved in a diversified body of work with projects that include residential, office or public buildings. In addition, ADNBA has achieved critical both nationally and internationally, having been awarded various architectural distinctions.

Project description in English

The Tandem building, together with the Millo building, form a large-scale recent intervention, that tries to restore a balance into a heterogeneous urban image. Like the building that previously stood on the site and belonged to the Palace of Telephones, the Tandem building sets back from the street leaving room for a public square which continues with the new pedestrian route created between Matei Millo and Câmpineanu streets. Towards Oteteleșanu street, the volume closes the continuous front and connects to the different heights of the built masses. On the ground floor, there are portico-type perimeter circulations, through which the ground floor opens up to the city, while on the second level, a series of terraces reduces the volume towards its upper part. The sequences of vertical and horizontal metal profiles give depth to the facade and introduce an additional layer of perception that changes depending on the direction from which the building is viewed.