Public Space

Temporary Installations

Laura Ichim

Author(s) / Team representatives

Laura Ichim




Piesaa, Nord Birou de Arhitectură

Project location

Câmpulung Moldovenesc

Budget in euros

2300 EUR

Project start date

Iulie 2022

Construction completion date

August 2022


Câmpulung Film Fest


Costakala și voluntarii Câmpulung Film Fest

Photo credits

Daniel Miroțoi

Text presentation of the author/office in English

PIESAA is an architectural studio based in Bucharest formed of Petre Andreea, Ichim Laura, Enache Loredana and Ștefan Sălăvăstru. They met at the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture in Bucharest and have collaborated on various competitions, workshops and projects since then. The studio was officially established at the beginning of 2024. Among their notable works, the project “House for a Garden” won 1st prize at the Romanian Architecture Annual in 2022, “Structures for a Community” was selected for the Romanian Architecture Biennale in 2023, and “A Home for Travelers” was nominated at the Regional Architecture Moldova in 2024. Nord is an architectural firm based in Câmpulung Moldovenesc that specializes in creating designs for both urban and rural areas.

Project description in English

Câmpulung Film Fest is an international film festival held in Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Suceava county. The festival aims to contribute to urban regeneration by engaging the city's cinephile community. One of the main screening locations of the festival is the city's central square, where various events bring the local community together throughout the year. The focal point of the square is a vertical element that serves as a support for multiple installations during these events. The goal is to emphasize the square's ability to unite communities and encourage social interactions. To achieve this, a circular pavilion is introduced as a permeable boundary, creating a sheltered space in the center while maintaining the open character of the plaza. There is a continuous movement and exchange of information between the interior and exterior, with activities such as playing, running, rollerblading, conversing, and watching movies on the wooden benches. The white canvases connecting the modules not only enclose and define the interior space but also serve as a medium for conveying messages and generating new ideas for the city in a participatory manner. The pavilion is constructed using local materials and is designed to have a reversible urban presence. It was built with the assistance of a local craftsman who prepared the raw materials, while the festival volunteers completed the pavilion in short workshops. To facilitate construction and enable reuse of the temporary installation in future festival editions or on other occasions, the pavilion is based on non-deformable modules with simple joints, fastened together with threaded rods for easy disassembly.