Author(s) / Team representatives




Project start date

sept 2022

Project completion date

oct 2022

Photo credits

Arh. Sabin Prodan

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Thinging Studio is an architecture office founded by architect Octavian Gugu in 2006. Besides architectural projects, the preoccupation for object design is constant, with the author frequently participating in profile exhibitions both domestically and internationally. His passion for design has also brought him several awards at international competitions for companies such as Fabbian, Electrolux, and Estee Lauder

Project description in English

The chair is a caprice, structure, design, fashion accessory, authentic, imitation, mannerism, improvisation, manifesto, trophy, comfortable, uncomfortable, bourgeois, waste, cheap, virtuosity, instinct, industry, vintage, kitsch, culture, material, beautiful, ugly, traditional… An endless list of results from the same predictable experiment. The STICH chair aims to be wooden, unsophisticated, useful, mountable, removable, imperfect, durable, repairable, popular, smart, hackable, perfectable, and lastly, recyclable. The main element is a minimally processed ash plank. It belongs to the family of chairs with four legs, with both the back and the seat composed of two slanted planks each, approximating the body’s curvature—a simple, common, economical, and comfortable solution. All these parts are tied together with common plastic collars, transforming the chair into a stable structure.