Gergely Bodnár

Author(s) / Team representatives

Gergely Bodnár


Architectural engineer


Department of Residential Building Design

Co-authors/team members

My beloved teachers who assisted: Varga Tamás DLA, Páricsy Zoltán, Dr. Pluzsik Anikó, Szikra Csaba, Dr. Vidovszky István

Project location

Miskolc, Hungary



Project start date

September 2023

Project completion date

February 2024

Photo credits

All of the used photos were created by me.

Text presentation of the author/office in English

My name is Gergely Bence Bodnár, a 22-year-old recent graduate in architecture. I began my studies in the Diósgyőri Gymnasium of Miskolc, where I attended an advanced English class in a six-year program. [2014-2020] During this time, I was most interested in mathematics and physics. Although I have always been intrigued by design, I never engaged in drawing, painting, or any kind of artistic activities. Yet, when it came to choosing a career, I decided to pursue architecture at the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. [2020] I found a significant challenge in this field, where stepping out of my comfort zone allowed me to develop my artistic weaknesses alongside my technical knowledge. Through a lot of persistent work, I succeeded in designing and defending my BSc thesis. This project is very close to my heart because I designed it for my hometown, Miskolc. [February 2024] Also because it answers a question formed in a lot of locals - What could become out of the lonely frame?

Project description in English

As my diploma project, I wanted to recolour a gray spot in my hometown, Miskolc. A reinforced concrete frame has stood in Futó Street since 1993, originally intended to become a shopping centre but the construction was never completed. This building has fascinated me since childhood, so I wanted to focus on it in my diploma project. I envisioned a vibrant, bustling building emerging from the gray frame... I began researching architectural tools based on examples from the animal kingdom, leading me to the concepts of symbiosis, coexistence and parasitic architecture. Drawing from all three I created the final form using techniques of addition, subtraction and insertion. I added to establish the connection between the two masses, subtracted to allow the flow of natural light and inserted units for future residents. The building was designed to serve a residential function, targeting the university community. The building is enclosed by four layers. The first one consists of the reinforced concrete frame and a green curtain, behind apartments built from a modular CLT system emerge. This provides a sustainable, flexible and green solution. The residents form a co-living community like in the local predecessor the Kollektív Ház. Their community allows them to have high-quality additional functions such as a wellness centre and sports terrace. The third layer is a transparent corridor which I call the "community corridor." It serves more than just transportation, featuring workstations and openable structures for cross-ventilation and integration with outdoor terraces. In my vision it functions as a large common living room! The final layer is the atrium space, where vertical transport takes place. The building's existing reinforcements and the structural elements remain visible as functional interior design elements. The apartments are arranged according to strict design rules, each connected to the building's mechanical shafts. However, their distribution gives a sense of randomness on the facade. The bottom level houses parking and mechanical rooms, allowing nature to flow under the elevated building. I avoided the most conventional infill wall solution, opting to retain the often “ugly” deemed frame as a visible surface. I felt it was my duty to show that these structures are not ugly, they just demand some care! The coexistence of the frame and new building structures create a unique appearance and a new chapter in the life of the lonely frame.