Vlad Sebastian Rusu, Octav Silviu Olănescu, Anamaria Olănescu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Vlad Sebastian Rusu, Octav Silviu Olănescu, Anamaria Olănescu




Vlad Sebastian Rusu B.I.A., Studio 82 S.R.L.

Co-authors/team members

arh. Petrică Maier-Drăgan, arh. Andrada Maier-Drăgan, arh. Miruna Moldovan, arh. Anda Gheorghe

External collaborators

peis. Alex Cotoz, hort. Dan Valentin, ing. Ovidiu Rusu, ing. Mihai Stanus, ing. Paul Biriș, ing. Ioan Apostol

Project location

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Budget in euros

10 M euros


6,7 ha.

Project start date

July 2020

Construction completion date

March 2024


Municipality of Cluj-Napoca


Nordconforest S.A. Cluj-Napoca

Photo credits

Cosmin Dragomir, Vlad Sebastian Rusu

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Vlad Sebastian Rusu B.I.A. is a group with a professional interest that is divided between the research and design of architecture and urban planning. Their projects cover a wide range of themes and concerns, from architecture and restoration to urban planning and urban design, with their professional work recognized and awarded nationally and internationally. The activity of Studio 82 is divided between teaching/research and practice of architecture and urbanism materialized through publications and specific studies, participation in conferences and national and international exhibitions. The work of the group has been recognized by winning various national and international awards.

Project description in English

The project aims to integrate the Someș River, as the ecological axis of the park, becoming a component of its ecological system. This concept of renaturalizing the banks of the Someș is joined by proposals for the development of wetlands, which become the main attraction of the park. Integrated into a simple rainwater collection system, the wetlands, alongside the Someș River, become the dynamic elements of the park, encouraging the appearance of specific vegetation and fauna. Through their natural character, these places aim to evoke the atmosphere and intrinsic qualities of some already existing spaces along the Someș River, in the areas located upstream and downstream of the city. In this context, the old park is proposed to become the Someșului Garden, a name that encompasses the new character of the proposed green space and its new relationship with the Someș river. The functional zoning of the park proposes a scheme with four strips parallel to the Someș River, each with its name and specifics: the Someșului strip, the ecological strip, the cultural strip and the social strip. Each of the four strips presents gradual intensities of human activities, ensuring a progressive ranking of them from the Someș river to the built neighborhoods. Through the project, thirty possible scenarios of use were imagined, which can take place in different combinations, depending on the season or time of day. They were distributed over the park area according to the intensity of human activities, respecting the general scenario of tranquility from the built space to the natural one. The project preserves a large part of the existing vegetation, and notable trees have been integrated into the new developments. The choice and arrangement of new vegetation follows the general concept of the project, by creating patches of vegetation complementary to each of the four functional areas. Thus, the area in the immediate vicinity of the Someș river and the wet area (the Someșului strip and the ecological strip) have autochthonous vegetation, originating from the geographical area of the Someșul Mic river (including the Someșul Cald). This was grouped in the form of ecotopes that can be found along the river from the source to the confluence with the Someș river (Dej city area). In the rest of the strips, species specific to wetlands, meadows and natural hills were chosen. At the same time, by systematizing the land, the park gains in the intimacy of the relationship with the