Graduation Projects



Alexandra Mocioiu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Alexandra Mocioiu




Asociația Front la Dunăre, Asociația 55

External collaborators

Îndrumători: conf. dr. arh. Ștefan Simion(proiectul de diplomă), conf. dr. arh. Ilinca Păun-Constantinescu (disertație)

Project location

Drobeta-Turnu Severin, România


70.000 mp

Project start date

Octombrie 2023

Project completion date

Iulie 2024

Photo credits

Alexandra Mocioiu, Marius Vasile

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Alexandra has just graduated from Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism. She has spent her summers as a volunteer and organiser on restoration schools both in rural and urban places, and her last autumn she has worked as an intern at MULTIPLE (BE). This year she has founded Front la Dunăre NGO.

Project description in English

The site is located in my hometown, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, which is one of the many shrinking Danube cities which, although having been planned facing the river in close connection with it, it has suffered repeated interventions to the detriment of the public space and the many historical layers that make up the waterfront today. In a wider context, the diploma project aims to become a gateway both from the city and from the Danube to the port area, to create a starting point for a public and accessible promenade to the foot of Trajan's Bridge (UNESCO site soon) and further on to the old railway station. This will create close links between all the key sites along the point of contact between the city and the Danube. The redevelopment of the former shipyard is proposed in phases, in parallel with a necessary process of renaturalization of the industrial riverside. Starting with a 1913 hall and continuing with the 1970s structures attached to it, all the buildings of the historic ensemble will be restored and integrated into the project. Program-wise, the central hall will become a multi-purpose hall, while the 1970s structure will be partially enclosed and will house a research centre dedicated to the Danube cities, exhibition spaces, archives and other functions designed to activate the ensemble all throughout the year.