Public Space

Urban Design

Gyula Zsuppányi, Tibor Fülöp, Diána Benkő

Author(s) / Team representatives

Gyula Zsuppányi, Tibor Fülöp, Diána Benkő




Alfaterv 2000 Ltd.

Project location

Zalaegerszeg, Hungary

Budget in euros

215 000



Project start date

03 2021

Construction completion date

09 2023


Municipality of Zalaegerszeg County City 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Kossuth Lajos utca 17-19.


Naste Bau Kft. 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Gazdaság u. 70.


See Website

Photo credits

Roland Gál

Text presentation of the author/office in English

ALFATERV-2000 KFT was founded on December 15, 1997, the predecessor of which company was ALFATERV GM, established in 1982. The main profile of the company is architectural general planning. The fulfillment of our undertakings is ensured by the involvement of professional teams. ALFATERV-2000 KFT has good positions in the market since the beginning, and its development is dynamic. The volume of our orders sometimes exceeds the company's capacity. In order to stay on the market and preserve and increase our good reputation, we compensate for the occasional lack of capacity by involving tested and reliable subcontractors. The fulfillment of our undertakings is ensured by the involvement of professional teams.

Project description in English

Our location is located in the fabric of sacral, academic and public buildings formed at the end of the last century. The Reformed Church located on the square, which was renovated at the same time as the square, provides a prominent character.Due to the site's position in the city center and the urban section of Göcseji road passing through the northern street front, significant noise pollution must be expected. The surrounding buildings show a relatively heterogeneous character. The square has a dual function, on the one hand, due to its location at the intersection, there is a huge pedestrian traffic, and on the other hand, it is a place for ocassional and periodic community events of the sacred buildings, and over time, it also tries to fulfill the function of a rest and gathering space. Uncertain traffic rules prevail in the examined area, the direction of parked cars is uncertain, and pedestrian and vehicle traffic is mixed. During the planning process, we considered it important to keep the original character, to fill the community space with life, which is more attractive and usable than before, and to strengthen the community functions, which we solved by reviewing and reinterpreting the current design. The design of the pedestrian pavements is adapted to the established traffic directions, accommodates and disperses cross traffic. After the Székely Gate was erected, part of the concept was to move the statue out of sight of the Reformed church and restore it in the middle of a small but attractive body of water. Inside the ring, the quality and appearance of the pavement also changes, as the division of natural limestone slabs, lighting strips and radial nozzles responsible for water play lend a higher quality to the concrete paving stone. The dynamics of the sculpture placed in the center of the circle indicate the direction of the traffic and the beach. In order for the square to remain a popular destination even without events, it received stronger lighting by twinning candelabras along the road. Its use is also made more modern by the new benches, waste bins and bicycle racks. A custom-made limestone bench at the top of the circle provides a seating surface or it gives the opportunity to actively use the green area. We have installed the unique furniture in such a way that it is possible to chat alone or in groups. The modern furniture invites both locals and passers-by to sit down. The area thus becomes suitable for rest and social space.