Built Space

Non-residential / Interventions on existent

Mihai Trif

Author(s) / Team representatives

Mihai Trif




Getrix SA Craiova

Co-authors/team members

Mihai Trif, Leontin Trif, Mariana Trif, Nicolae Trif, Andreea Trif, Adela Trif, Ilona Nica, Iulia Periețeanu, Oana David

External collaborators

Cojocaru Constantin, Cătălin Jerdoiu, Daniel Măroiu, Nicușor Miertescu

Project location

Segarcea, România

Budget in euros

7000 000

Usable area

6000 mp

Project start date

ianuarie 2015

Construction completion date

august 2023


Orașul Segarcea


Recon S.A.


See Website

Photo credits

Trif Adela


30 years ago, when we founded the company Getrix, we wanted to practice our profession, with confidence in what we knew and free from the constraints of a system with which we were not in resonance. We do everything in our power to create a more beautiful environment that generates existential joy for our fellow human beings. We want to "build history" rigorously, in a unique and authentic way, to achieve excellence following a process that brings refinement and joy to our peers and to us. It is certainly not talent that achieves performance, but commitment, discipline, resilience and perseverance. "Strength of character" I hope expresses us best and is what we want to convey to our road partners. Let's be consistent and vertical, always willing to learn and give the best in us. We make quality architecture, for a better world!

Project description in English

The slender volume, elegantly decorated with Romanian Art Nouveaux motifs and placed in the center of the Segarcea Town Hospital ensample reminds of the town connection with the Royal Wine Cellars. The white monolith subtly splaying upwards covers the communist heritage and announces modernity, efficiency and hygiene. This project implied the recovery of a heritage building damaged by the change in destination and a serious fire, and also an opportunity to transform the image of the city hospital, in great need of being brought into the 21st century. The intervention’s challenge was to harmonize the entire ensemble both from a functional and aesthetic point of view. From a historical and architectural point of view, the most valuable part of the medical complex is the Royal Palace, built at the end of the 19th century following the plans of the architect Alexandru Baucher. Vintage photos, as well as current ones, highlight the special architectural value of this building, which, although it is not included in the List of Historical Monuments, it is a true heritage building, through its beauty and uniqueness. In 1956, after the Town Hospital moved to the Royal Domain, the former Royal Palace became a hospital body, and today it is the Outpatient Pavilion. The fire on January 1 2015 destroyed the historic building and its goods, but it was also an opportunity to reorganize, streamline and sanitize the entire hospital complex. The most important requirement, besides putting the Outpatient Clinic building back into operation, was the provision of spaces for the Emergency Reception Center so that the requests of patients in serious condition from Segarcea and the surrounding communes are no longer redirected to the Emergency County Hospital in Craiova. Thus, the Royal Palace building was rehabilitated with consideration for its character given by the specific spatiality, ornamentation and materiality, and the main building of the hospital, built in 1984, was extended and finished in a contemporary manner. By preserving the historical color and introducing a new volume and materiality, we aimed to mediate the juxtaposition of the Romanian Art Nouveaux architecture with a recent architecture that appeared for functional reasons, and to obtain a balanced architectural dialogue that preserves both the elegance of the Royal Palace of Segarcea and the solemnity the medical program that the City Hospital represents.