
Author(s) / Team representatives



Architect, Interior Designer

Co-authors/team members

Zsolt Alexa, Donát Rabb, Ákos Schreck, Ivett Tarr, Henriett Gelányi, Kitti Claudia Kódor, Dorka Lázár, Panka Marót

External collaborators

L² Studio – graphic design

Project location

Pécs, Hungary

Budget in euros



25.000 sqm

Project start date


Project completion date



University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine


See Website

Photo credits

Minusplus, L² Studio

Text presentation of the author/office in English

WE ARE MINUSPLUS Minusplus is an independent, 20-person architecture and design studio based in Budapest. We provide sustainable and innovative design solutions. We are sentient human beings, we love harmony and beauty. Our interest is faithfully reflected in the diversity of our works. We enjoy what we do, and this is clearly visible in our buildings as well. Our plans are surrounded by continuous professional interest, our buildings are regularly published and rewarded with prizes. WE CREATE INSPIRATIONAL SPACES The main ambition of our team is to design buildings that encourage the activities within them. We explore new contexts and re-interpret the relationship of spaces and their habitants. We believe this makes the world around us a better place. WE ARE CURIOUS Our method is discovery: we create the setpoints of the plan from the analysis and interpretation of the given situation. We dare to ask and search for new solutions, for this we systematically research architecture and develop our own capabilities. We are convinced that the question is the most important driving force that starts a change. WE COOPERATE Our working method is receptive, therefore our architectural responses are various and colorful. We believe that harmonizing different approaches will advance our world and build our environment. WE MAKE IT HAPPEN We stand with two feet on the ground: our ideas are innovators, but we always work out ways to make them feasible.

Project description in English

The architectural space is the medium that is best able to convey and make tangible the conceptual, functional and identity goals formulated by the University's strategic documents, based on its values and creed. During the everyday use, citizens of the university come into contact most directly with their built environment, and it also gives the first impression for visitors. In the digital age, the frame of the personal presence and the community-forming role of space are particularly important. All of this confirms that an interior design concept is not merely an ancillary, aesthetic issue, but a strategic tool. The Campus Cooperation study book, which deals with the architectural and interior design issues of the Medical Campus of the University of Pécs, is based on the investigation of possibilities and provides a personalized set of tools, which could help the dialogue and the decision-making. The first part presents the changes in education and international trends. The second part is a dictionary that lists activities and spatial typologies specific to education. In the third part, a comprehensive architectural vision is developed. An interior design brandbook is mainly used by corporations. Locus Cooperationis differs from this traditionally execution-oriented tool, this book is more of a strategic document that sets the foundation for future planning. It defines an interior design language and the framework that guarantees the development of a coherent educational environment. It clarifies requirements arising during interior design and presents ideal-typical solutions. The operational goal of the two books is to ensure that the various transformations, planned by different designers, separated in time and space, would result in an integrated and high-quality interior environment, in line with the vision of the Faculty. All participants of the development are assisted in the management of the projects: university representatives are given reference points in forming the architectural programs and later in checking the completed plans, and it can be used as an aid for designers in various stages of the planning process. The manual does not list strict rules, but options, from which the future designers can choose according to the specifications of the project. We created a system from which an infinite number of variations can be derived, yet it results a coherent world of interior design.