Ana Călinescu, Anca Jipa, Claudiu Aldrin Spătaru, Ioana Lupu-Dăbuleanu, Lucian Cocea-Lionescu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Ana Călinescu, Anca Jipa, Claudiu Aldrin Spătaru, Ioana Lupu-Dăbuleanu, Lucian Cocea-Lionescu





Project location

Iași, România

Budget in euros


Project start date

Martie 2024

Construction completion date

Mai 2024


Romanian Creative Week, OAR Iași, HazarDance Festival, ACT-arthouse cinema&theatre


See Website

Photo credits

Ana Călinescu, Alexandru Saru, Vlad Ursu

Text presentation of the author/office in English

With works in various areas, but with obvious affinities in the residential one, we choose to approach each project in a way that pays tribute to the particularities of each user, often assuming a challenging architectural process. The typology of the different architectural language theat are chosen forces us to overcome our subjectivism in search of the harmony of each concept. Using the complex vocabulary of form, light, materiality, we want to define spaces worth feeling, experiencing, living.

Project description in English

POST IMPACT is about deformation and formation, about cause and effect, starting from micro scale - the fertilized egg divides and grows into life, drops hit the surface of the water and create waves, to macro scale - the comet impacts and deforms the earth, but in the crater, an enormous amount of energy is formed. What happens after people are struck by art? We metaphorically mirrored the different types of impact with what performing arts can cause, both personally and in society, from the one who expresses his art to the viewer, both feeding from the exchange of energy that is created in that moment. All this energy propagates, from individual to individual, they begin to question things, vibrate, move, connect, and so communities able to make changes are formed. The comet hits a random place, the square heats up and warps, the society/community grows. The proposal is a stylization of the comet's crater and the shock waves. The stage, the place of impact, is the element around which the flatness of the ground changes and the two red corridors rise organically, alternating in a movement of increase and decrease. The space, composed of a large, circular stage, with a diameter of 7.5m and all its adjacent elements radially arranged, aims to outline a strong, expressive presence, with impact and visibility to the general public. We used the features of the square to position the stage so that it remains visible but pushed away from the intense pedestrian traffic. The proposed ensemble is correlated to the scale of the urban space in which it is inserted, but merges with it, through form and transparency, allowing the movement of the artists who perform to overlap with the movement of the residents who transit the square in their daily routine. Theater and choreography students from the art faculties of Iași, București, Constanța, Tg. Mureș and Sibiu performed on the POST IMPACT stage, people from the community approached the space and experienced it both during the day and at night, walking through it or dancing without (almost) anyone noticing them, children ran, played and danced, enlivening the space during the two weeks of Romanian Creative Week event.