Tijana Pejić

Author(s) / Team representatives

Tijana Pejić


Master Engineer of Architecture

External collaborators

Ivan Rašković (mentor, full professor), Dezire Tilinger (mentor, research fellow)

Project location

Radan mountain, Serbia

Project start date

February 2023

Project completion date

July 2023

Photo credits

Tijana Pejić

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Born in Zvornik (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 1999. Graduates elementary and high school in Srebrenica. Enrolles bachelor’s academic studies in 2018 at the Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade, where graduates in 2021. Continues master’s academic studies at the same University and graduates in 2023 by defending the master’s final thesis „Petrified thread: Liminal spaces of Stone Weddings“. During studies, gains professional experience by working in architectural companies in Belgrade and Wroclaw. Participates in a few architectural and design competitions where wins awards: People’s Choice Award at the international student’s competition „Art Garden“ organized by uni.xyz platform, Honorable mention at the international architectural competition of the Institute of molecular and cell biology in Warsaw, third place at the competition for official souvenir design of the Municipality of Pale organized by Tourism organization of Pale. Employed at the Department for Architectural Policy at the Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructure of Republic of Serbia.

Project description in English

Eco-techno park Radan mountain Radan mountain is recognizable by Đavolja varoš, a locality that is linked to the legend of the Stone Weddings. By this research, it is revealed that the aforementioned legend is not only unique to this locality in Serbia, but it is also linked to dozens of other localities in the world. There is one always the same element - a petrified structure of an unusual shape. On the Balkan have been identified 11 of such sites with unusual stone formation followed by the legend of petrified weddings. Đavolja varoš is the only one that is commonly known, so the idea of the project was to create a visitor center of the Balkan's Stone Weddings, where an 11-kilometer long walking tour would pass through 11 designed stations. Every station would have a simulation of the legend by using natural potentials, such as water, wind, light and sound. In that way, the spirit of the past would be experienced, which was of crucial importance to the ancestors when they were marking the space that surrounded them. Each of the stations is positioned in the environment which is unique for its origin, so the environmental conditions of the weddings' petrification could be totally experienced, but with addition of architecture where the main element of petrification is expressed. For example, the weddings of Morine were petrified because of the curse, so the space of the station is organised in order to express the curse and seemingly hopeless situation, while the locality of Medvednica is unique by the love story of miller's son and poor girl who were petrified by the wind, so this station is shaped by the wind potential and the production of flour – the mill. Special attention of the project is paid to the preservation of natural ambient and the usage of natural resources.