Dragana Ćirić

Author(s) / Team representatives

Dragana Ćirić


Architect, Scientific Associate/Research Assistant Professor


unit [d]

Co-authors/team members


External collaborators

Tristan Cazenave (LAMSADE - Université Paris-Dauphine), Milo Roucairol (LAMSADE - Université Paris-Dauphine)

Project location

Paris, France

Budget in euros

0 euro


12,011 km2

Project start date

December 2022

Project completion date







See Website

Photo credits


Text presentation of the author/office in English

Dragana Ćirić, PhD in architecture and urbanism, scientific associate/research assistant professor, and licensed architect, successfully integrates design and research innovation, initiatives, and experimentation in architecture and urbanism. She puts the focus on integrative scientific-artistic cross-disciplinary research and design approach and methodology, including activities within the several scientific societies (DRS, USERN, CGRN). She contributes actively by publishing and exhibiting at the conferences, congresses, and exhibitions. As an author of number of conference and scientific journal articles, as well as several studies on application of her scientific results in teaching and research laboratory context, she is dedicated to innovation, assessment and application of the most advanced digital technologies in architectural and urban design, research, and science, within the cross- and trans-disciplinary framework. She has been awarded for innovation in architecture [strand 2017], application of design intelligence strategy in urbanism [BAB 2017], and architectural and urban design integration in design practice [strand 2021], while her experimental and commissioned architectural projects, prototypes, and installations [exo, global eye(s), extended research in geographic project of architecture, architectural/cultural diplomacy, diagrammatics, AIRA] also gained significant attention. She is the founder of the independent design research unit – unit [d].

Project description in English

The science of networks can be considered a key instrument for complex systems analysis/analytics, design, and planning. Under its framework and through its main analytical methods and forms (network graphs and related operations), one of the urban subsystems—urban mobility and transportation systems—has been represented and investigated. The Grand Paris rail network, including all its transportation categories (metro, tram, RER, TGV) with their existing lines and extensions currently either in construction and planned or under consideration in the long term, has been modelled as a background topological and simulation environment and geometry for various abstract and real-world research operations and generative design tasks with regards to urban computing (e.g., urban movement path generation, the network’s incremental growth and reconfiguration, spatial urban scenario constructions, etc.). The interactive representation of analytical data relevant for this type of urban systems, will be considered in the upcoming period, aiming to inspect all the possibilities of the targeted programmability of the urban mobility system.