Andrei Bălbărău

Author(s) / Team representatives

Andrei Bălbărău


Operator RTV


Muzeul Cineastului Amator

Co-authors/team members

Ioana Ciolea

External collaborators

Sorin Dumitru, Iulian Georgevici

Project location


Budget in euros


Project start date

may 2023

Project completion date



See Website

Photo credits

Ioana Ciolea, Petre Dalea, Erwin Țigla

Text presentation of the author/office in English

A graduate of the local university, I am involved in the conservation and preservation of local heritage. My personal focus is on aspects that are often overlooked, sometimes even by state museums. Amateur photography and film, objects made by workers during the third shift (so-called "fusaraie"), molds used for industrial parts both large and small, all contribute to a larger picture of the only industrial city with a 253-year industrial history.

Project description in English

The MIC (Mociur Industrial Collection) initiative represents an innovative project dedicated to preserving the industrial heritage of Reșița. It began with the discovery and conservation of casting molds from the former Mociur industrial platform. All the buildings from the Mociur platform were demolished until 2021, and the sole remaining building continues to produce plain shaft bearings, providing a new home for MIC, the smallest industrial museum in Romania. Located in a former laboratory, MIC benefits from the support of Nhood Romania, which facilitated the use of this space to save the industrial memory of Reșița. The initiative has succeeded not only in preserving valuable industrial artifacts but also in creating a place for education and community engagement.One of the most captivating aspects of MIC is the periodic organization of aluminum casting demonstrations and workshops. During these sessions, the saved casting molds are used to create small objects such as bottle openers, numbers, and plaques. These activities not only keep traditional technology alive but also involve the public in the creative process, strengthening the link between Reșița's industrial past and present. The massive demolition of buildings on the Mociur platform left a void in the urban landscape, but the MIC initiative exemplifies how such spaces can be reimagined and repurposed. The building housing the museum, being the only survivor, becomes a sanctuary of industrial memory. It serves not only as an exhibition space but also as a learning center where the community can reconnect with its industrial history. Efforts to integrate industrial heritage into the urban present are particularly valuable. Projects like this demonstrate that historical and cultural values can be preserved and reinterpreted in ways that serve both the local community and visitors. MIC is proof that, through creativity and dedication, even the smallest initiatives can significantly impact preserving our cultural and historical identity. MIC is not just a collection of artifacts but a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the Reșița community, an invitation to reflect on the past and draw inspiration for the future. Thus, the MIC initiative represents not only the conservation of industrial heritage but also offering a model for other cities and for other cities and regions with a similar industrial past.