Public Space

Temporary Installations

Andi Daiszler

Author(s) / Team representatives

Andi Daiszler


Manager cultural, project managerManager cultural, project manager


Asociatia Daisler

Co-authors/team members


External collaborators

Răzvan Simion, Dragoș Blaga, Alexandra Moldovan, ECOU studio

Project location


Budget in euros

420.000 euros


peste 1000 mp

Project start date

Iunie 2023

Construction completion date

Decembrie 2023


Timișoara 2023 – Captială Europeană a Culturii


Check-Out Team, Outdoor 4 U SRL, AdisBalan SRL


See Website

Photo credits

Gabriel Aldea

Text presentation of the author/office in English

The Daisler Association was founded in 2016 with the aim to help the way we interpret and understand our public space trough amazing project that deal with culture and creativity. It is a three person entity established by Daniel Daiszler (secretary), Anca Ioana Daiszler (vicepresindent) and Andi Daiszler (president) and since its beginning the projects we delivered where always free of entry or participation and created a lot of visual attraction. Lights On is one of Romania largest light festivals, the first one in South-Eastern Europe to be admitted to the International Light Festival Organization (ILO), where Andi Daiszler is currently serving as board member. In its over 6 edition Lights On brought light-art to various spaces such as streets, parks, intersections, squares, tunnels, bridges, docks, wharfs, derelict sites or spectacular churches. The first ever light-art exhibition in a church in Romania was made back in 2018 when Lights On brought the spectacular Museum of the Moon to Piartist Church in Cluj. Also, Lights On had several exhibitions of the MI-E DOR DE TINE light-art showcased in global cities such as London, Chicago, Washington DC and Koln. Another well known project is Strada Potaissa – The alternative flower market. Nested in a hidden gem of a street with low foot traffic, Strada Potaissa became now after its 8th edition, one of the most cherished and recognizabile streets in Cluj, ofter dubbed the most beautiful one in Cluj and in the country whenever

Project description in English

Lights On – The Night-Art Festival is an event designed to test the cultural dimension of the night, given that Romanian legislation and our way of life are not familiar with cultural experiences after 11 PM. From light installations available until late hours of the night (2 AM in public and private spaces), to a theater play performed on an electric bus that toured various neighborhoods of Timișoara, to Night-Gigs – a series of 10 events dedicated to the underground night culture which brought various different acts (music, stand-up, improvisation, open discussions, drag shows, etc.) before a small audience, to the first conference dedicated to night life culture, or a house of light offered to the public in the first European city with electric street lighting – all were part of the offering that the Daisler Association prepared through Lights On Timișoara in the year it was the European Capital of Culture. The Flora Restaurant was transformed into a spectacular Lighthouse, where photo exhibitions took place, where people reconnected with the venue, attended discussions and conferences, and enjoyed a coffee or a cocktail. The Bega Riverside became an attraction thanks to Electric Swan Ensemble (Cygnus) – a creative light installation by the German group Loomaland. Additionally, the largest light installation that ever visited Romania, Floating Earth, was set up here, attracting over 100,000 people in just 10 days of presentation. The Iulius Town Underground Tunnel was set up as the venue for the first night conference dedicated to Night Culture, with international speakers such as the Night Mayor of Amsterdam and the co-author of London’s Night Time Strategy. The most derelict of locations, Cinema Arta with its missing roof, served as the host venue for the amazing Submergence piece, a 10x10 set-up of 16,000 LEDs that invite the audience to get lost in it. Over 120,000 people, young and old, enjoyed or interacted with the events proposed by Lights On in Timișoara, as part of an event-experiment through which we tested people's appetite for cultural products in the late hours of the night.