Eszter Török-Darvas

Author(s) / Team representatives

Eszter Török-Darvas


Interior designer

External collaborators

My project was supervised by Conf.dr.arh. Diana Giurea as my lead instructor.

Project location

Romania, Timisoara

Budget in euros

200.000 euro


270 sqm

Project start date

March 2024

Project completion date


Photo credits

Eszter Török-Darvas

Text presentation of the author/office in English

I studied interior design at the Technical University of Timișoara. I believe that an important virtue of an interior designer is versatility and diversity. In my projects, I always strive to first observe the characteristics of the space and environment and draw inspiration from them. Therefore, each of my projects has a different atmosphere; there is no single color scheme that I work with. In terms of furniture design, I enjoy experimenting with new materials and techniques.

Project description in English

As part of the project, I created a retail space for clothing and accessories. But it's not just a simple store; it's a concept store, because it offers something extra. The space can serve as a venue for fashion shows and various workshops. Here, multiple designers work together; in fact, it is a place for designers looking for a location to sell their products. I approached this theme as a laboratory. Fashion design is also a constantly evolving sector, surrounded by ongoing research and projects. I designed the space to accommodate designers of clothing, shoes, bags, and jewelry. The furniture is simple, mostly custom-designed, but we combined it with mechanical and electrical technology. Another source of inspiration was the characteristics of the building itself. LAB is located in a building with rectangular blocks, very rhythmic and symmetrical, in the center of Timișoara. These features characterize the facade, the layout, the entire essence of the space, so we could not ignore them. The design was conceived pixel by pixel; everything is built with cubes. We also tried to create symmetrical spaces, divided squarely in terms of layout. At the same time, the space is easily modifiable; almost everything is designed to be reconfigurable and adaptable. The color palette is not too varied, with shades of white, gray, and blue/green. In terms of materials, glossy, reflective, and transparent surfaces, such as glass bricks, matte plexiglass, mirrors, and metallic elements, conflict with the raw look of concrete. Overall, the project is characterized by a very modern, clean design, with the atmosphere and technology of a high-end fashion concept store.