Built Space

Residential / S



Alt. Corp.

Author(s) / Team representatives

Alt. Corp.




Cosmin Georgescu, Cosmin O. Gălățianu, Cristian Beșliu, Octavian Bîrsan, Andrei Theodor Ioniță

Co-authors/team members

Arhitectură - Horia Munteanu Structură - DI&A DESIGN CONSULTING Instalații - GLOBAL PROIECT

Project location

România, jud. Ilfov, Balotești

Budget in euros

400 000 euro

Usable area

205 sqm

Project start date


Construction completion date







See Website

Photo credits

Vlad Pătru

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Alt. Corp. was established in 2018 at the initiative of architects Cosmin O. Gălățianu, Cosmin Georgescu, Cristian Beșliu, Octavian Bîrsan, and Andrei Theodor Ioniță. The co-founders of this group graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at IMUAU Bucharest.

Project description in English

The main focus of the house in Dumbrava Vlăsiei is emphasizing two fundamental elements that make up a home: the rooms and the garden. The project unfolded based on this simple limitation: the house should contract itself, freeing up as much land as possible. The importance of the garden determined the overall layout of the structure by stacking all the rooms one atop another. Consequently, the living room became an interior cavity determined by the outer limits of the plot, while the staircase acted as a buttress-like supporting element. The geometry claimed concrete as the only material capable of holding the building upright. The construction thus became a whole, a continuum of 15 cm. reinforced concrete both vertically and horizontally, the only exception being the metal structure of the pavilion that "dives" outwards and belongs to the garden. The house's relationship to the site is, in the end, a successive series of pseudo-parametric equations, a mere juxtaposition of constructive facts that seem to mathematically determine the building.