Interior Space

Interior Design

Andrada Tărău, Mara Tomulescu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Andrada Tărău, Mara Tomulescu




MAatelier Birou de Arhitectura.

External collaborators

Andrei Cumpănășoiu/ CIRRUS RENDER.

Project location

Bucharest, Romania.

Budget in euros

100 000 euro.

Usable area

171 sqm

Project start date

August 2023.

Construction completion date

May 2024.


Diana & Cosmin.

Photo credits

Sabin Prodan/ Tryingtodoart.

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Maatelier Architecture Office, a studio of spaces. Designed by Andrada Tărău and Mara Tomulescu. We are two architects who studied together in Bucharest, at the Ion Mincu Faculty of Architecture. Our portfolio, through the interior design and architecture projects that we develop, is characterized by a creative process centered on the needs and desires of the end user. Each story has a concept, a tone, closely linked to the clients' requirements, creating strong spaces with an identity that reflects its residents.

Project description in English

House located in northern area of Bucharest. It serves a new family with a newborn child. The design concept, outlined after discussions with our clients, had an art deco inspiration, brought into the contemporary. Rounded shapes can be found in each of the spaces, from the 1st floor lobby, to the curved accents of the furniture pieces and decorative objects, to the partition wall located in the entrance area, which announces the prevailing style of the house. Arches and rounded corners became the repetitive pattern of the design, and each area, the open ground floor, the master bedroom on the first level, the bedroom in the attic and the child's bedroom, including the adjacent bathrooms, received a dominant, strong color. Thus, in the ground floor area, the predominant color is green. The choice of this color came from the client's affinity for interior plants, in number of almost 100, plants that can be found in different forms, spread throughout the house. The bedrooms received strong colors according to the preferences of the clients, but chosen in such a way as to create spaces where relaxation prevails - muted red and pastel pink in the master bedroom on the first floor, black and white - in the space in the attic, and blue complemented by ocher and beige in the child's room. The combination of geometric shapes and natural motifs can be found not only in the juxtaposition between the interior plants, which also fulfill the role of a decorative object, and the furniture with simple but strong geometric shapes, but also in the juxtaposition between the chosen wallpaper and the controlled geometry of the room - rounded corners, arches. The ceramics throughout the house continue the idea of the art deco style in a contemporary way, by choosing small pieces that illustrate a repetitive pattern and bring depth to the spaces through it. The direction of the entire arrangement is also found in the choice of lighting fixtures - simple elements (profiles with LED strips, decorative lamps) that create the atmosphere, and are complemented by statement pieces with simple geometry.