
Andreea Busuioc

Author(s) / Team representatives

Andreea Busuioc


Visual Artist


See Website

Text presentation of the author in English

I am a student in the second year of study at the Painting department, Faculty of Fine Arts of the Bucharest University of Arts. In the past, I studied the bachelor's and master's program of the Faculty of Administration and Business at the University of Bucharest, which offered me many opportunities, but I felt that I was going on the path I always knew, that of art. In parallel, I am following the DPPD psychopedagogical module, in order to be able to take a place in vocational education and to succeed in passing on my passion for art. I am passionate about photography because in a world of speed it is the best way to escape ephemerality. Through my art I try to discover different valences of beauty, beauty that I try to capture both through painting and photography. I am always looking for new ways to express myself through art.

Project description in English

This photographic project is based on a bivalent idea. Here, the "Cover me softly" theme is embodied in the harmony between urban spaces and nature. Structures found in the urban environment as a result of human action living with natural elements. The photos were taken in the area of Constantin Disescu and Iacob Negruzzi streets. The central idea of the project consists in highlighting the link between the past (represented by old buildings built during the 70s in Romania) and the present represented by the living vegetation that covers some buildings. Living vegetation on buildings can be an effective way to improve the quality of life in cities, both for people and the environment. The benefits of existing plants on the surface of buildings are diverse and multiple, all meeting the concept of sustainable development. First of all, oxygen production in urban areas is favored, on the other hand, air quality is improved (plants absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the air). Another factor is reducing pollution (vegetation assimilates and degrades pesticides, and other chemicals in the air and water). Looking at it from another point of view, the aesthetics of the building is enhanced by the contrast between architecture and vegetation. This project is also a call to encourage attention to buildings based on sustainable development, hoping that their number will increase. From a symbolic point of view, the hardness of the building materials is in total opposition to the delicacy of the plants, the buildings being "delicately" covered by vegetation.