
Marius Miclăuș, Ana Felvinczi

Author(s) / Team representatives

Marius Miclăuș, Ana Felvinczi




Marius Miclăuș, Ana Felvinczi, Francoise Pamfil, Constantin Lomaca, Máthé Klára Krisztina, Laura Pissea.

Co-authors/team members

Marius Miclăuș, Ana Felvinczi, Francoise Pamfil, Constantin Lomaca, Máthé Klára Krisztina, Laura Pissea.

External collaborators

Graphic Design: Vlad Sulea

Project location


Project start date


Project completion date



Highschool Architecture Teachers


See Website

Photo credits

Beta 2020

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Arhitectool is created by a multidisciplinary team made up of architects, pedagogues, curriculum experts and psychologists. Marius Miclăuș - practicing architect and associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Timișoara. As president of the Archaeus Foundation, he is actively involved in cultural and educational programs, coordinating the Dealu Cerului School for over 18 years. Ana Felvinczi - practicing architect and professor at the National College of Arts in Târgu Mureș, organizes design & build workshops with her students through the hey!yard project. Francoise Pamfil - practicing architect and professor of architectural theory at the Ion MIncu University of Architecture and Urbanism, coordinates the first and second year architecture design studio. Constantin Lomaca - head of the science department and curriculum director at the Franconian International School, Erlangen, involved in the training of students' critical and analytical thinking, consultant and trainer for Teach for Romania. Laura Pissea - psychologist, coach, psychotherapist in training, founder of Dareto Meet your Vocation, a project for teenagers that combines vocational guidance activities with mentoring activities in different professional fields. Máthé Klara Krisztina - practicing architect and first degree professor at the architecture department of "Nagy István" Arts High School in Miercurea Ciuc, organizer of 18 creative camps (summer schools) for architecture and arts student

Project description in English

Arhitectool is a teaching guide in the form of a classroom workbook addressed to teachers in the architecture departments of vocational high schools in the country. The idea of ​​the Arhitectool project was born four years ago, when during discussions with fellow architects who teach architecture at high schools and universities in the country, we discovered the differences in training of the students who end up studying architecture, the lack of basic knowledge regarding the field, the poverty of vocabulary, the lack of an extensive bibliography but also of the intellectual tools needed in the thinking and practical implementation of the projects. These shortcomings accumulate like the snowball effect and are later found predominantly in the results of the young architecture students, of the intern architects examined for the qualifications to become a registered architect, but also in current practice. Studying the training system of high school students, the first ones to have contact with the architecture workshop as a discipline, we discovered the fact that the Ministry of Education did not develop a curriculum coordinated by specialists, but left it to the free choice of the teaching architects how the knowledge will be systematized and the practical exercises necessary for the development of critical thinking will be carried out. There are therefore no curriculums or textbooks for any of the specialized subjects taught in architecture and fine arts classes in high-school. The Arhitectool project is designed as a tool to guide the coordinating teachers in architecture workshops (grades IX-XII) and specialized subjects, a flexible curriculum adapted to current requirements regarding the academic and emotional development of students, the development of skills, critical thinking , motivation through intense and short-term creative exercises with the aim of creating an internal reference system for each student as a basis for further development. The project team built the teaching guide based on general and specific skills that interconnects the specialized subjects with the architecture workshop, to harmoniously integrate the concepts covered in the different disciplines. The collaboration between teachers at the department level is facilitated by a map that connects the specialized subjects with the skills and with the assignments to be completed in class, a map that we have named 'Subjects step by step.'