Graduation Projects


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Ludmila Lazari

Author(s) / Team representatives

Ludmila Lazari



Co-authors/team members

Indrumător: Marius Miclăuș, Inginer de specialitate: Farcaș Cornel

Project location

Timișoara, România


6500 mp

Project start date

Octombrie 2023

Project completion date

Iunie 2024


Universitatea Politehnică din Timișoara


See Website

Photo credits

fără fotograf

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Ludmila's dream came true when she graduated from the faculty of architecture, because she always knew that architecture is her calling. The 10-year experience in the field of fine arts, namely oil-painted portraits, have aroused the burning desire to create spaces for people.

Project description in English

The story of the school began with the search for his identity. Architecture School of Timisoara is very special for the Romanian context because it has risen together with the artistic avant-gardes of the 70’s. Starting from the symbols of Timisoara, the new school becomes a small fortress that embraces the former canteen designed by Duiliu Marcu - ARChA (currently being the new exhibition space of the faculty of architecture and urbanism). Inside the fortress is born the architect's square, a space of the gathering, which can be accessed by direct and public users through transition spaces. The main access to the square and school is born from the huge excavation in the form of an arch. The arch reminds of the Opera building, the symbols on the facades of the buildings of Duiliu Marcu and bastion. The most important space of the project is the Agora of Architects, the space above the arch, this being the bridge described by Heidegger's work, having the same role, of the gathering and exhibition. The banks are the workshops and the research spaces.