Interior Space

Interior Design

Claudiu Spătaru, Valentin Anton, Anca Jipa, Lucian Cocea-Lionescu, Bogdan Curelariu, Ioana Lupu-Dăbuleanu, Ana Călinescu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Claudiu Spătaru, Valentin Anton, Anca Jipa, Lucian Cocea-Lionescu, Bogdan Curelariu, Ioana Lupu-Dăbuleanu, Ana Călinescu





Project location

Iași, România

Budget în euros

300 000

Usable area

200mp, la care se adaugă două terase cu o suprafață totală de 140mp

Project start date

Septembrie 2022

Construction completion date

Ianuarie 2024


See Website

Photo credits

Sabin Prodan

Text presentation of the author/office in English

With works in various areas, but with obvious affinities in the residential one, we choose to approach each project in a way that pays tribute to the particularities of each user, often assuming a challenging architectural process. The typology of the different architectural language theat are chosen forces us to overcome our subjectivism in search of the harmony of each concept. Using the complex vocabulary of form, light, materiality, we want to define spaces worth feeling, experiencing, living.

Project description in English

Located on the top floor of a building set on one of the city’s hills, the apartment has two large terraces and favorable perspectives on all sides. This project has as its starting point an existing space and we have chosen not to modify the partitioning, but to find a way to connect and unify the interior areas. We used a series of aesthetic gestures and an overall design thinking, from the macro scale to the all the details, to define a clean and bright interior, harmoniously chromatic, with textures that complement each other and accents that create dynamics. Indoors, the living area and the sleeping area are well divided, but they harmonize aesthetically and geometrically through continuous lines and volumes, textures and colors. In the living area, the element of contrast is the sculptural wall, which brings balance to the neutrality and refinement of the furniture and the other finishes. We paid a special attention to the light, an important character playing two roles, one during the day and the other by night. The space receives plenty of natural light, helped by the way we imagined and shaped the interior. In the evening, the different sources of artificial light give life to the space, making the transition from a dynamic to an intimate atmosphere, from clear highlights of light to subtle and diffused areas.