By participating in the activities organized by the Beta team of the Order of Romanian Architects, Timiș Territorial Branch, you agree to the present Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully.

This site was developed by the organizing team of the Beta Timișoara Architecture Biennale, through the Romanian Order of Architects, Timiș Territorial Branch, with the aim of ensuring the smooth running of the Timișoara Architecture Biennale and its related events.

We may suspend or stop providing the Services to you if you do not comply with our Terms and Conditions or if we investigate suspected misconduct. You do not own any intellectual property rights to the content you access. You have no right to use the content of the site, unless you obtain permission from the owner of the content or if you are allowed to do so by law.

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If, using the site, you provide the Beta organizers with personal data, including by filling in the various forms on the site, regarding subscribing to the newsletter, respectively registering for events, you expressly agree to the processing of your data .in accordance with the Policy regarding the protection of personal data and data confidentiality.

The organizer assures the participants that it will process their data honestly and transparently, exclusively in the professional interest of both parties, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union (GDPR).

By signing up for Beta events - the Timisoara architecture biennial, the participant declares that he has read and agrees with all the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. By participating in the contest, you agree that we can use your information such as: - personal data entered at the time of registration in the contest: name and e-mail address. The personal data that the participant provides upon registration will be collected for the natural logistics of the contest and for statistics and research.

The entire content of the website is protected by Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights (Copyright Law), all rights reserved. This site is owned and administered by the Romanian Order of Architects Timiș Territorial Branch through the Beta architecture biennial organizing team.

All rights, titles and interests related to this website and its content belong to the Romanian Order of Architects Timiș Territorial Branch or its collaborators or partners, as providers of the website content. Any of the materials posted on the site are protected by the legislation on intellectual property rights, they belong to the Romanian Order of Architects Timiș Territorial Branch or its content providers.

Any reproduction, distribution, transmission, transfer, presentation, broadcast, creation of secondary works, sale, rental, licensing, or publication of materials from the website is prohibited (regardless of the method of carrying out those activities or the medium on which they are saved the materials to carry out the previously mentioned actions) by any third person, regardless of whether for a direct commercial purpose or of any other pecuniary nature or not, without the prior written consent of the Romanian Order of Architects, Timis Territorial Branch or of the author indicated in the content certain materials published on the site.

We may change these Terms and Conditions by posting notices of changes on this page. If you do not agree with the changes made to the Terms and Conditions of a Service, we suggest that you discontinue using that Service.

If you have reservations regarding the present Terms and Conditions or the conduct of the Contest due to the Contest's discordance with the legal provisions in force, you can send these reservations in writing by e-mail to [email protected].

The complaint must contain at least: the first name, name, e-mail address provided when registering for the competition, the subject of the complaint to archive the complaint, and the signature, and we undertake to respond to your request within 10 days.

Thank you for your interest!

Romanian Order of Architects, Timiș Territorial Branch
Diaconu Coresi, no. 12, Timișoara, Timiș county
mobile: 0722972156
email: [email protected]