On Friday, September 20th we invite you to Vila Mal for the opening of the Beta Awards 2024.

The exhibition is open to the public, on the banks of the Bega river.

Beta Awards Exhibition

121 projects selected from over 400 entries will be displayed in the public space, in an exhibition installed for the first time on the banks of the Bega river, in a recently recovered location, activated in partnership with the Timișoara City Hall.

Public Vote

This edition, the public can choose their favourite project through the Public Choice Award. Through this initiative, we want to encourage both the architectural community and the general public to consider the impact of the built environment on all of us, connecting two important pillars of the Biennial - Profession and City. 

More information about voting soon.

About the Beta Awards

The Beta Awards are one of the central pillars of the Timisoara Architecture Biennial, alongside the main exhibition.

Beta is a series of actions, projects, events and exhibitions, structured around 3 categories: Education, Profession and City.

The 2024 Beta Awards is the main event of the Profession category, which supports and promotes quality architecture in all its forms and manifestations, being conceived as an interface for relations both within the profession and between the profession and the socio-cultural environment in which it operates.

The 2024 Beta Awards run from June 7 to October 19 and have a Euro-regional character, opening the competition to Romania, Hungary and Serbia.

Organizing the competition in this format builds on the similarities in context across the 3 neighbouring countries, encouraging participation on a wider scale and thus contributing to the development of a multilateral dialogue about the future of the profession.