
Georgiana Bologa

Author(s) / Team representatives

Georgiana Bologa



Text presentation of the author in English

Freshly graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, here in Timișoara. Quite reserved and shy, until you get to know me. With various passions, big and small, from architecture to urbanism, to graphic design, painting and even photography more recently, especially photography on film, which I discovered three years ago.

Project description in English

They always tell you: be careful where you go, be careful what you visit, be careful with your money, don't go out on the streets alone, hydrate yourself, put something on your head if you go out in the sun, etc. Maybe unfortunately, or fortunately, you can't respect everything. Two days, mid-July, walking along the Amalfi Coast with four dear friends; two days in which you swapped countless trains, buses and even a boat, you were constantly looking for a patch of shade and not just for yourself. What was more thrilling? To stand in awe at the sights, in front of the exquisite cobalt blue sea, or to weep with joy when you stumbled upon a little fountain? You would think it was a short vacation, planned months in advance, but it was spontaneous, always spontaneous. It's not easy being a student away on Erasmus+, it's not easy looking for the cheapest options to get to such breath-takingly special places. But look, I can say that I arrived here and I am left with these beautiful images, with such fond memories, where I felt for the first time that I can be me, authentic, anywhere in the world, anywhere under the sun.