Illyés Hannah Lilla

Author(s) / Team representatives

Illyés Hannah Lilla



Co-authors/team members

Ifca Anka-Maria

Project location

Arad, Romania



Project start date

September 2023

Project completion date

July 2024

Photo credits

Illyés Hannah Lilla

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Timisoara, among my curiosities and interests are various topics in the field of urbanism, mainly the relationship that can be created between man, nature and the built environment.

Project description in English

The city requires a new relationship between human beings and nature. We need to create cities that are climate safe, resilient, sustainable and in ways that provide a new basis for human development. The development of green cities has become a major topic and a core interest of governments around the world. All the interventions have common goals, to solve environmental problems and increase the quality of life by protecting, preserving and integrating the environment into the city. This project proposed a green neighbourhood model as a sustainable urban development. The aim of the work was to highlight how a neighbourhood in Arad, can be developed in a healthy and balanced way with nature. This model aimed to integrate nature and the following concepts: green spaces and biodiversity, sustainable transport and mobility, renewable energy, water management, urban agriculture and biophilic design. The objective was to find solutions and principles for the design of a green neighbourhood, placed on a land that will inevitably be developed in the future. The project also proposes the development of an agri-food market, which in addition to its function, incorporates other services such as food catering and an event area. The market is integrated in the context of a green neighbourhood and promotes: healthy food, local agriculture, small-scale economy and inter-human relations. The proposed neighbourhood coupled with the food market harmoniously combine the needs of nature and people, becoming a living organism that strengthens the relationship between the urban environment, the natural environment and its inhabitants.