Author(s) / Team representatives





TECTO arhitectura

Co-authors/team members

Sergiu-Cătălin PETREA, Dan-Alexandru ROȘU, Ovidiu BĂLĂȘOIU, Andrada ROGOJINARU

External collaborators

Bianca-Andreea TUDORAN, Beatrice-Maria BOGHEAN, Delia-Adriana VLĂSCEANU, ing. Sebastian Maxineasa, Dimmer Home

Project location

Iași, Romania

Budget in euros

1500 euro



Project start date

May 2023

Project completion date

May 2023


OAR Iași


TECTO arhitectura, ing. Sebastian Maxineasa

Photo credits

TECTO arhitectura, Brand Recorder

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Our story began in 2004 and since then we aim to develop meaningful and robust architecture by combining specialized research with a deep understanding of the people and environment in which our projects are inserted. We are passionate about what we do, which is why our projects are designed to increase in value over time. We are committed to research, to a continuous search, through specific methods, for a meaningful architecture, open to innovation and balanced as an artistic expression. Through continuous study, we aim to go beyond conventional boundaries to define creative concepts that constantly challenge and inspire. Quality architecture not only responds to solving practical-utilitarian issues, but also goes beyond them to captivate its users and challenge their imagination. We seek to demonstrate the legitimate role that sustainable materials and technologies play in today's architecture. We believe that they should not be associated with a relegation of Eastern values but, on the contrary, as a way of enriching the architectural experience by creating healthy and dynamic buildings. The concepts we promote challenge the traditional approach to the design process by refining the methods used and implementing new materials. Our goal is to optimize form and structure, from complex systems to custom details. We believe that it is the carefully resolved details invested with meaning that result in Architecture worth inhabiting.

Project description in English

The courtyard of the Prefecture of Iasi (Casa Pătrată) is the result of a rigid construction, without giving a people-friendly atmosphere. The building, marked by contemporary interventions and devoid of vegetation due to recent deforestation, appears as a desolate place in search of identity and connection with its origins. The remaining trees, providentially saved from being felled, evoke the ruins of vanished civilizations, conveying unheeded messages. The architectural installation foregrounds lost values and suggests their recovery. The objects created define a space of return to the archetypal forest, symbolizing deforestation and loss. They transform the courtyard into an architectural topos, remaining symbols of a dysfunctional world. The simplicity and naturalness of the materials used clarify and give meaning to the surrounding space, creating sub-spaces and pathways, opening or closing perspectives. The repetition of forms creates a scenographic rhythm, emphasizing the only remaining tree, a symbol of life and resistance. The installation creates the limits of a transitory space, inviting meditation and introspection, reflecting on the fundamental needs of the human being. In a world where walks in nature are prescribed as a therapy to combat the exhaustion caused by the hectic pace of modern life, this abstract installation draws attention to essential values and the need to reconnect with nature. The vertical wooden grid, the central element of the installation, invites the explorer to discover a metaphor of the forest - a silent and secret refuge where man and the gods used to find shelter. This subtle evocation reminds the viewer of the deep bond between man and nature, the need to preserve this relationship in an increasingly technologized and artificial world. The architectural installation, presented at the "Iașul își deschide curțile" Architecture Festival organized by OAR Iași, was recognized and awarded for its ability to bring these crucial themes to the fore. The project emphasizes the gradual loss of connection with nature, but also the hope that through art and architecture we can rediscover and revalue these lost links. The elements of the installation, though simple, are charged with meaning. Each piece of wood becomes a symbol of deforestation and suffering nature, but also a sign of resilience and hope for regeneration.