Interior Space

Interior Design

Alexandra Spiridon

Author(s) / Team representatives

Alexandra Spiridon





Co-authors/team members

Sergiu Sabău

External collaborators

Dan Crâsnic, Miodrag Stoianovici, Adrian Potra

Project location


Budget in euros


Usable area

111 sqm

Project start date

June 2021

Construction completion date

October 2022

Photo credits

Ovidiu Micșa

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Alexandra Spiridon is a designer, passionate about architecture, specialising in interior design and the production of furniture and lighting fixtures, co-founder of F O R, an interdisciplinary collaboration platform aimed at facilitating and producing innovation for people and cities. Starting from the premise of the intrinsic connection between mind and environment, F O R manifests itself in several directions: a professional SPACE dedicated to collaborative work, a workshop for prototyping and creating PRODUCTS, together with the determination and knowledge necessary to generate quality ARCHITECTURE, both for individuals as well as for cities.

Project description in English

The DOI Steak Bar project showcases one of our office's preferred approaches to interior design: using materials in their "raw" form, creating an atmospheric interior that emphasizes the architectural elements of the space, and ensuring that design gestures manage movement and perspectives within the space. The project is a testimony to the power of simplicity. First of all, by stripping away superfluous layers, we revealed the brickwork, allowing its natural texture and historical marks to shine. The interior atmosphere is achieved through a delicate interplay of brick textures, hidden lighting, and the careful placement of minimalist elements. The bar itself, a monolithic centerpiece was designed to be both a functional and architectural focal point. The use of a reduced material palette ensures that every element works harmoniously with the exposed brick. The sophisticated yet modest interior reflects our belief that reducing a space to a few essential elements can create refined, uncomplicated experiences. Key features include two vertical planes that do not touch the perimeter walls or brick vaults, separating the functional area from the customer space. The bar, composed of two monolithic volumes in green ceramic tiles, serves as a central focal point. The floor, with its intense color and complete lack of texture, unifies the space. Decorative elements, such as 3D-printed and hand-glazed ceramic lampshades, a mustard-colored curtain and niche, enhance the color palette and volumetric scale. Our lighting strategy avoids conventional fixtures, instead employing hidden sources that project light onto the vaulted brick ceilings, enhancing the space's architectural beauty while creating a warm, inviting ambiance. This approach helps generate a sensual atmosphere, allowing for the space to feel special, without imposing any overwhelming design gestures. The project resulted from a unique dialogue with the client, whose creative contributions exceeded mere collaboration. Their active involvement enriched our approach, leading to a design that authentically reflects the spirit of the location and delivers practical benefits in its use. By emphasizing elegance and simplicity, we aimed to provide users with a space that feels both distinct and comfortable, inviting them to enjoy the ambiance without distraction. This project highlights the synergy between raw materials, thoughtful lighting, and minimalist design, creating an authentically unique atmosphere.