


Iacob Diana-Florina

Author(s) / Team representatives

Iacob Diana-Florina


Absolventă a Universității G.H. Asachi Iași, Facultatea de Arhitectură G. M. Cantacuzino

Text presentation of the author in English

Text de prezentare a autorului în limba engleză* I am a creative person with a passion for the beautiful and from a very young age, I have been fascinated by various art forms, from drawing and painting to dance and photography. This passion naturally led me to architecture, where I found a perfect way to combine creativity with science and technology. My creativity manifests itself not only in my work but also in my hobbies Drawing gives me a way to express my ideas and emotions, while photography helps me to see the world from a new perspective and appreciate the beauty around me.

Project description in English

Through these photographs I set out to reveal the beauty hidden in architectural details, where light and shadow combine to create a visual story.