George-Florentin Tamas

Author(s) / Team representatives

George-Florentin Tamas



Project location

Nucet, Romania

Project start date

august 2021

Project completion date

Iulie 2022

Photo credits

George-Florentin Tamas

Text presentation of the author/office in English

George is a graduate of the Faculty of Construction, Cadastre and Architecture in Oradea. He is currently a trainee architect in his hometown, and when he is not at the office, he spends his free time in his own carpentry workshop where he designs and makes custom objects from solid wood.

Project description in English

Located in the southeast of Bihor county, the town of Nucet bears the Soviet imprint due to the mining operations that took place in the area during the 1950-1960 period. The strong development and rapid changes in the appearance of the area during that period are best highlighted by the saying: "Whenever from a hill he makes a valley." The city is characterized by mountain landscapes and the picturesque character of the place. Located on a hill at the border of the inner-city area, the site proposed as part of the "Dâmbul oilor" Center for Seniors project has an alveolar shape, being an area safe from the daily hustle and bustle, almost a place where time has a different flow. The site is characterized by deciduous forests that surround the land on three sides, the fourth side offering a panoramic view of the entire area. The project revolves around the adage mentioned above "Whenever a hill becomes a valley", this time suggesting the transformation of the "Sheep Trail" area into a place for the elderly, intended to provide them with an ideal setting for retirement. The project is oriented both outward and inward, making the most of the landscapes and at the same time offering the elderly activities aimed at stimulating their physical and mental health.