arh. Șerban Sturdza, arh. Matei Eugen Stoean, arh. Tudor Elian

Author(s) / Team representatives

arh. Șerban Sturdza, arh. Matei Eugen Stoean, arh. Tudor Elian





Co-authors/team members

colab.: Lucian Corduneanu, Iulian Ungureanu, Bogdan Brăescu, Gabriela Alexe, Cristina Andrei, Ana Maria Simionescu

External collaborators

Rezist.: Dietlinde Köber, Valentin Archip, Silviu Mușat / Instal.: Air Control Systems / Dirig.: arh. Hans Gustav Zink

Project location

München, Germania

Budget in euros

7 000 000

Usable area


Project start date

Martie 2014

Construction completion date

Decembrie 2022


Mitropolia Ortodoxă Română a Germaniei, Europei Centrale și de Nord



Photo credits

Matei Eugen Stoean

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Matei Eugen Stoean and Tudor Elian are architects who have been developing studies and applied projects concerning the city, heritage and public space for almost 15 years. Since 2014, together with architect Șerban Sturdza, they are co-authors of the Romanian Orthodox Ecclesiastical Centre in Munich. The project was created in collaboration with PRODID - a full-service architecture studio focusing on researching crafts, new media and experimental techniques.

Project description in English

The "Romanian Orthodox Ecclesiastical Center in Munich" project is the result of a balanced and very active collaboration between the client and architects, engineers, builders and artists, who all took on the task of realizing a complex and enduring project. The trust placed in the architects by the client has meant a fruitful collaboration spanning over eight years (2014-present), during which time the initial ideas have had the chance to be developed and applied on all levels of architectural creation: from concept, technical and detail design to furnishings, furniture design and artistic elements. The location is in the Aubing district in the west of Munich, in a predominantly residential area. The site is located in a social node (with schools, kindergartens and a park in the vicinity). A defining element of the site is the perpendicular street marking an important compositional axis that determined the articulation of the main outdoor public space and the position of the buildings. The Church, the Community Centre and the Bishop's Seat with Monastery are the three buildings forming a cloister, complemented on two sides by the park and the neighboring houses. The church, the largest of the three buildings, with its white cladding on which the vibrancy of the thick solid brick walls can be glimpsed, is also the most open with its high porch. The church rests on ten cruciform pillars of exposed concrete, which define the Hall of Crosses – the public indoor space with the main role of meeting outside services hours, a setting for conferences, exhibitions as well as celebrations. The Community Centre is perpendicular to the west-east axis of the church and is developed on two intersecting levels: lecture rooms, library, social office and shops on the first levels and on the upper floors living quarters. The Bishop's Seat and the Monastery are perpendicular to the north-south axis of the church nave and contain both administrative spaces and the essential components of a monastery's functioning: the chapel, creative workshops, the refectory with kitchen and the cells. The three buildings form, on the one hand, a coherent whole and, on the other, a "porous" ensemble towards the street and the neighbors: through the low, transparent fence (which opens out entirely onto the street), the portico and porch defining the central square, and thanks to the pergola, the gangway or the direct connections with the neighboring kindergarten and the park.