Built Space

Non-residential / Interventions on existent

Daniel Miroțoi

Author(s) / Team representatives

Daniel Miroțoi




Daniel Miroțoi, Laura Ichim, Ciprian Ungurașu

Project location

Câmpulung Moldovenesc

Budget in euros

400000 EUR

Usable area

207.6 mp

Project start date

Februarie 2022

Construction completion date

Decembrie 2023


Restaurant Parc

Photo credits

Daniel Miroțoi


Daniel Miroțoi is an architect and photographer located in Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Romania. He completed his studies in architecture at the „G.M. Cantacuzino” Faculty of Architecture from Iași. In 2019, he became a part of ADN Birou de Arhitectură. In 2024, he established Nord Birou de Arhitectură, which specializes in urban and rural architecture. Laura Ichim is an architect located in Bucharest, Romania. She pursued her architectural studies at UAUIM in Bucharest, during which she completed internships in China and India and took part in various workshops and architectural competitions. Since 2019, she has been employed as a project architect and team leader in passive house projects for a Bucharest-based company. Since early 2024 she has founded PIESAA. Ciprian Ungurașu, is an architect based in Bucharest, Romania. He studied architecture at ”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture from 2012. In 2018, he joined ADN Birou de Arhitectură, and in 2023, he established Ciprian Ungurașu Architecture Office.

Project description in English

The building that houses the restaurant is located in the center of Câmpulung Moldovenesc and dates back to the early 20th century. Historical photographs, postcards, and advertisements from the interwar period were used to identify several stages in the building's evolution. In the 1935 tourist, spa, and climate guide of Câmpulung County, an advertisement referring to the building and its owner, Dr. I. Svoracovschi, was discovered. At that time, the building hosted a guesthouse known as "Park," offering guests 14 comfortable rooms, favorably oriented and surrounded by a vast private garden. In 1950, the building was requisitioned and transformed into a Pioneers' House after the decree of nationalization of properties. After the revolution, it housed the Children's Club and was later returned to the rightful owners. In 2022, a rehabilitation process was initiated by two local entrepreneurs after a period of being closed. The intervention aimed to change the building's function and enhance the green space in front of it, while preserving the original volumetry and restoring the image from the interwar period. New interventions were distinctly marked to reflect the different stages in the building's evolution.