Graduation Projects



Ardelean Alexandru-Florin

Author(s) / Team representatives

Ardelean Alexandru-Florin





Co-authors/team members

Lect. Ș.L.dr. arh. Negrișanu Daniela

External collaborators

Ing. Farcaș Cornel

Project location

Slatina Nera, România

Budget in euros



5950 mp

Project start date

27 Septembrie 2023

Project completion date

26 Iunie 2024





Photo credits

Arhivă personală, imagini reprezentative proiect - Ardelean Alexandru-Florin

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Originating from the village of Benesat in Sălaj County, I studied fine arts for four years at a specialized high school in Baia Mare, and then I developed this pursuit of artistic-architectural exploration within the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism in Timișoara. Over time, with a desire to seek sensory experiences and achieve the novelty of simplicity projected into spatial essences, I have come to understand the manner in which architectural quality can influence people's lives. In this evolutionary journey, I have been strongly influenced by the works of Valerio Olgiati, in whose honesty of imaginative expression I find myself. I can say that this present work marks the beginning of maturity in laying the foundations of a career as an architect. Due to the chosen theme, the method of representation, and how it managed to intertwine with my inner experiences, the highlighted project crowns six years full of research, curiosity, self-discovery, and finding my own identity—both personal and professional—carrying a significant emotional weight.

Project description in English

The looming presence of death compels individuals to urgently seek a spiritual anchor, one that offers security and comfort during the harrowing anticipation of their own demise. Religion often emerges as a powerful means of rediscovery and reconnection with oneself, imbuing the fleeting human life with profound meaning. It can be perceived on a macro level, reflecting its broad influence on society and culture, and on a micro level, highlighting the deep psychological and emotional impact on the individual. In essence, these perspectives intertwine holistically, portraying the intricate complexity of the human condition. The proposed solution taps into this need for protection by taking the form of an enclave-like structure, resembling a defensive fortress. Despite its massive presence, it blends into the terrain's topography like a light mantle, offering both security and subtle camouflage within the natural landscape. The sacred space envisioned in the project pierces through the limits of this perimeter, like a bastion that provides a poignant setting for the solemn rituals surrounding life's final moments. It stands as a testament to reverence, marking the transition with dignity and respect.