Interior Space

Interior Design

Laura Covaci

Author(s) / Team representatives

Laura Covaci




atelier dePlano

Co-authors/team members

arh. Radu-Tudor Ponta, arh. Emil Burbea-Milescu, arh. Amanda Bușe

External collaborators

Atalian Global Services, Paval Holding Properties, Worklab, Hunter Douglas

Project location

București, România

Budget în euros


Usable area

270 mp

Project start date

februarie 2023

Construction completion date

mai 2023


Wirtek, Promark


Amis Telecom


See Website

Photo credits

Bogdan Mosorescu

Text presentation of the author/office in English

de Plano is an architectural studio that weaves creative passion into design services. They believe that architecture is primarily a cultural activity that channels and challenges established values. de Plano seeks balances between tradition and innovation, material and spatial qualities, construction and architectural narratives, while maintaining an openness to the opportunities and challenges that each project presents. Since 2024 de Plano articulates the new partnership between Emil Burbea, Laura Covaci and Radu Ponta.

Project description in English

The project consisted of designing an office space for two software companies in Opera Center 1, taking into account the wish of the clients to enhance the raw qualities of the building, on the one hand and maintaining a very tight execution schedule, on the other. The space is divided into two main areas: the work area on the northern side, including the open office and the meeting rooms, and the lounge with cafeteria by the entrance, on the southern side. The refurbishment is centered around the ceiling infrastructure – all of the HVAC equipment and piping particular to an office building. Usually overlooked and hidden behind a regular ceiling, this infrastructure, once exposed, enhances the depth of the space. In a lower plane, several groups of suspended soundproofing fins project onto this raw background and become the chromatic accent of the design. The floor and wall finishes maintain a neutral palette and further enhance the dynamics of the ceiling, without adding any heaviness to the space.