Built Space

Non-residential / New

Sergiu Cătălin PETREA

Author(s) / Team representatives

Sergiu Cătălin PETREA




TECTO arhitectura

Co-authors/team members

Sabrina ENE-BITNARIU, Dan-Alexandru ROȘU, Andrada ROGOJINARU, Ovidiu BĂLĂȘOIU, Cristina MOTOTOLEA, Sebastian APOSTOL

External collaborators

SACO Construct, ACE TECH Consulting, Instal Dim

Project location

Comănești, Romania

Budget in euros


Usable area


Project start date

March 2021

Construction completion date

August 2022


HS BACO Panels


GreenPoint Services, Dimmer, NIZAR Construct, Bavaria Eco System, Aprex Auto, Future Glass

Photo credits

TECTO arhitectura, Cosmin Giurgică

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Our story began in 2004 and since then we aim to develop meaningful and robust architecture by combining specialized research with a deep understanding of the people and environment in which our projects are inserted. We are passionate about what we do, which is why our projects are designed to increase in value over time. We are committed to research, to a continuous search, through specific methods, for a meaningful architecture, open to innovation and balanced as an artistic expression. Through continuous study, we aim to go beyond conventional boundaries to define creative concepts that constantly challenge and inspire. Quality architecture not only responds to solving practical-utilitarian issues, but also goes beyond them to captivate its users and challenge their imagination. We seek to demonstrate the legitimate role that sustainable materials and technologies play in today's architecture. We believe that they should not be associated with a relegation of Eastern values but, on the contrary, as a way of enriching the architectural experience by creating healthy and dynamic buildings. The concepts we promote challenge the traditional approach to the design process by refining the methods used and implementing new materials. Our goal is to optimize form and structure, from complex systems to custom details. We believe that it is the carefully resolved details invested with meaning that result in Architecture worth inhabiting.

Project description in English

The biggest challenge in this project was to realize these office spaces as a linking element between the industrial site used in the production process and the immediate natural neighborhood with strong horizontal relief lines. At the same time the building had to meet the Austrian regulations, at the request of the beneficiary, and the Romanian ones specific for a two-story building with a Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) structure. The project strategy was fully based on ecological and sustainable principles, and the project, including the collaboration with the client and partners, was designed to define a sustainable office typology through the realization of this prototype that would help to realize a representative, niche market within the office building market. The working process pursued several objectives - Building with solid wood elements and laminated elements obtained industrially by prefabrication - individual comfort control in the rooms, high quality of workspaces, high noise protection, passive construction methods to ensure insulation and airtightness, ventilation systems with heat recovery to guarantee a constant flow of fresh air, artificial lighting optimized for the work process. - Ecological concepts: use of a biomass cogeneration plant for heating and electricity production, use of wood as building material, optimization of utility costs, green roof, natural lighting autonomy, high degree of recyclability throughout the building -High quality of architecture and landscaping The ambitious goals proposed by the beneficiary meant that the building was always evaluated with positive results, be it in terms of user comfort or energy efficiency. Another challenge of the project has been the multitude of aspects considered and applied, from architectural compliance to installation systems, covering all the defining aspects of interior comfort and a representative architectural image while minimizing construction and operating costs, meaning not only financial savings for the beneficiary but also savings of natural resources.