


Laura Ghișe

Author(s) / Team representatives

Laura Ghișe



Text presentation of the author in English

Since high school, she has been attracted to the artistic side, starting in 2019 with photography. In 2020, she entered the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning in Timișoara, specializing in “Furniture and Interior Design,” and continued with a master's degree at the same faculty. Currently, she participates in exhibitions, cultural events, theater plays, and artistic performances, as well as volunteering in summer schools in architecture-related fields. Currently working in marketing and furniture design.

Project description in English

When is a building so degraded that it can no longer be saved? When nature intervenes and takes control. Can we call these spaces useful? No. But they bring a new perspective to the viewer and contribute to the understanding that some things are ephemeral. Are green buildings a cover for these degraded constructions? Perhaps. Perhaps we should find a way to create without destroying. The photographs were taken in the summer of 2023, in the forests of Hunedoara and Caraș-Severin counties.