Radu George Tirca, Stefania Tirca, Irina Leca

Author(s) / Team representatives

Radu George Tirca, Stefania Tirca, Irina Leca


architects, art historian



External collaborators

arh. Petru Mortu, urb. Eugen Panescu, arh. Ilinca Paun Constantinescu, ist. Ionela Dinescu Nitu

Project location

Baile Govora, Romania

Budget in euros

aprox. 30000 euro annualy



Project start date


Project completion date



See Website

Photo credits

Marius Vasile

Text presentation of the author/office in English

A collective of specialists active in Băile Govora that provides assistance for the rehabilitation of the built heritage and organizes the Zilele Arhitecturii Balneare, an event dedicated to revitalizing heritage through art and civic engagement. Studiogovora was founded in 2019 with the aim to document the cultural heritage of Govora Baths and develop projects for its revitalization. The interdisciplinary collective works with local authorities, entrepreneurs and members of the local community, as well as professionals from various fields, to create a shared vision that uses heritage and spa identity as powerful tools in the development of the city.

Project description in English

Govora Heritage Lab is an ongoing experiment that we strive to make more coherent and consistent as we put it into practice. It is precisely this correspondence between theory and the real-world implementation of ideas or methods that we test on the ground in Govora. The initiative is an open process, alternating between research and practice, each influencing the other. The project unfolds simultaneously in three directions: research, micro-interventions implemented in public spaces, and cultural activities aimed at activating latent spaces. The way the city has been formed has, in many cases, blurred the boundaries of private space, so Govora can also be understood as an extensive and fluid public space where gardens (of any kind) become part of it. In this sense, reactivating the public space is an essential element. For example, an initial targeted intervention was the restoration of the only remaining historic gazebo in Băile Govora, built in 1938. This was an easily implementable intervention and one capable of being relevant to the local community. The restoration speaks not so much about the object itself but about reactivating the neighborhood's public space, specifically the former small urban garden. Research on the resort was concretized in 2023 with the publication of a Best Practices Guide – which aims to define several intervention directions for improving the quality of the built environment. Based on a detailed analysis of the characteristics of typical buildings in the area, the historic spa ensemble, and public space, the guide describes each type of architectural element that makes up a construction. Our theoretical ideas and studies are then translated into action through an annual cultural event – the Spa Architecture Days in Govora – with the aim of promoting spa heritage and activating urban spaces: guided tours, concerts, art installations, exhibitions, and film screenings. Each of these activities increasingly raises public awareness about the necessity of preserving the city's values and suggests, even if only for a few moments, how these values could contribute to the quality of life – they can use the cinema for a few days, learn about different proposed scenarios for the functioning of buildings from exhibitions, and revisit places they would otherwise avoid in their daily lives.