Adela Trif, Mihai Trif

Author(s) / Team representatives

Adela Trif, Mihai Trif


arhitect urbanist


Getrix SA Craiova, Getrix Comunitate

External collaborators

Școala Gimnazială Terraveda, Craiova

Project location

Craiova, România

Project start date

septembrie 2022

Project completion date



Școala Gimnazială Terraveda, Craiova


See Website

Photo credits

Adela Trif, Oana David, Iulia Periețeanu, Mihaela Popescu

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Getrix Comunitate wants to change Craiova for the better, with the tools that a team of architects and urban planners have at their disposal, with the involvement that people are capable of and with the support that the administration can offer. We propose a pact for a city friendly to pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, to people with disabilities, to children and adults, to people of all kinds. So far we have held informal architectural workshops, proposed bike lanes, collected and launched ideas in public space. Our concepts entered urban planning documents or settled in the public space to stay. Getrix Community is about enabling people's engagement in the communities they are part of to transform where they live.

Project description in English

"Different Same" is our collaboration project with the Terraveda School. The same technology education class – a different approach. Work was done in the workshop, on and near the board, sitting or standing, chatting with colleagues or dancing to music. There was no wrong or right. There was only the same common target for class and student. Achieving this goal required organization, consistency, and focus, all within a freedom rarely seen in the classroom. We accepted this challenge with the conviction that architecture and built space education done today will succeed in making a long-term difference in the development of strong communities, involved and aware of the <<place>> they live in in all its aspects. Today's children's universe is differently colored, with a different dynamic, and when we need to meet them, taking into account everything and the many things that surround them. These workshops have the ability to break them from the everyday rhythm and transpose them into universes created by them, without limits of time and space. Detachment is what calms them, relaxes them and makes them feel safe. Learning practical skills in a non-formal environment and combining multidisciplinary notions contributes substantially to achieving a fantastic learning context. At the same time, it could be the basis for creating solid mental structures on which they will build as future adults. The project includes a series of exercises that aim to capture: - managing resources in search of solutions; - knowledge and use of materials; - assimilation of knowledge through various channels of urban exploration; - the elaboration of a personal opinion, the practice of sharing it with others, the freedom to reformulate it coherently at any stage of the group discussions and lastly but not least, concluding an argumentative discourse; - the endurance required to develop a long-term project, with component phases of different degrees of complexity. The coordinating element, the common aura of all the exercises, was always the sensitive fluctuation of the balance between individual and collective, between separately and together. It is an aspect that individualizes them on the one hand, helps them to form a personality, but also gathers them as a group, fulfilling various functions within a single organism.