
Cojocaru Lucia-Carina

Author(s) / Team representatives

Cojocaru Lucia-Carina



Text presentation of the author in English

I am a student at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Polytechnical University of Timisoara and a passionate hobby photographer. I enjoy traveling and long walks, allowing me to capture the subtle nuances of urban and natural landscapes. I consider myself to have a keen eye for details and composition, moreover when light and shadow come into play.

Project description in English

Exploring the essence of urban coverings - silent guardians that protect, transform, and redefine urban spaces - the interplay of light, shadow, texture and form reveal a hidden dialogue between structures and the lives they shelter. Embracing both the old and the new, they create a mosaic of experiences that shape our daily lives. Under the theme "cover me softly," viewers are invited to see the city as a canvas of interconnected beauty and subtle transformation, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.