Maria Radu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Maria Radu


Student absolvent

Co-authors/team members

coordonator diplomă Daniel Tellman

External collaborators

Asociația Monumentum

Project location

Alțâna, jud. Sibiu

Project start date

Septembrie 2023

Project completion date

Iulie 2024


Asociația Monumentum

Photo credits


Text presentation of the author/office in English

My name is Maria, and I graduated the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism in Timișoara. I had the pleasure of participating in various summer schools that shaped me and guided my path towards this topic, the most impactful being undoubtedly the one from the small tile museum in Apoș.

Project description in English

The project tackles two crucial aspects: revitalizing abandoned built heritage and promoting volunteering through architecture. More precisely, it aims to enliven a household, located in the village of Alțâna, Sibiu County, the primary goal being to transform the property into a volunteer house, a cultural and educational hub for the non-governmental association ‘Ambulance for Monuments’. The solution seeks reactivate the built heritage in the targeted rural environment and bring traditional crafts back into the spotlight of contemporary society through the integration of a building dedicated to tools. The imagined atmosphere evokes that of a medieval craftsman's workshop, reflecting the materiality and sensory richness of things.