Vlad Sebastian Rusu, Octav Silviu Olănescu, Anamaria Olănescu

Author(s) / Team representatives

Vlad Sebastian Rusu, Octav Silviu Olănescu, Anamaria Olănescu




Vlad Sebastian Rusu B.I.A., Studio 82 S.R.L.

Co-authors/team members

arh. Miruna Moldovan

External collaborators

ing. Ovidiu Rusu, ing. Mihai Stanus, ing. Paul Biriș

Project location

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Budget in euros

680.000 eu

Usable area


Project start date

June 2021

Construction completion date

February 2024


Municipality of Cluj-Napoca


Nordconforest S.A. Cluj-Napoca

Photo credits

Cosmin Dragomir, Vlad Sebastian Rusu

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Vlad Sebastian Rusu B.I.A. is a group with a professional interest that is divided between the research and design of architecture and urban planning. Their projects cover a wide range of themes and concerns, from architecture and restoration to urban planning and urban design, with their professional work recognized and awarded nationally and internationally. The activity of Studio 82 is divided between teaching/research and practice of architecture and urbanism materialized through publications and specific studies, participation in conferences and national and international exhibitions. The work of the group has been recognized by winning various national and international awards.

Project description in English

The multifunctional community pavilion is located inside the new Feroviarilor (Railway) Park, serving an important urban area of the city. Conceived as a space with multiple flexibility, the pavilion can host various community events such as meetings, exhibitions, concerts, workshops etc. The project's quest was to choose a building typology that would integrate into the natural setting of the park and provide an interior-exterior visual dialogue throughout the day and night. During the day, the pavilion becomes a translucent body whose contours melt through the reflection of the surrounding natural frame in the glass curtain. At night it becomes a luminous body, an urban lantern. The awning around the pavilion provides shade throughout the day and mediates the relationship of the indoor activities in the pavilion with the immediate outdoor neighborhood. Birch vegetation invades the interstitial space between the circular awning and the pavilion, helping to integrate the pavilion into the heart of the park. Planimetrically, the pavilion offers multiple flexibility through the possibility of closing or opening the central space, through mobile walls. The aim was to avoid creating a back of the pavilion building, which responds with the same generous glazing all around its circumference. All ancillary, technical spaces and those with ventilation facilities are hidden in two symmetrical opaque cores. At the level of details, exposed concrete was used for the outer awning and the seating elements below it to ensure a beautiful patina of the materials over time. The structure of the metal pillars on which the awning stands evokes the random rhythm of the tree vegetation in the immediate vicinity. Inside, the partitioning elements are covered with pine wood, ensuring the necessary porosity for the acoustics. The pavilion is equipped with all the technical equipment necessary to ensure comfort for community events, one of our most important tasks being the aesthetically controlled integration of all ventilation, electrical and sanitary installations. Thus the pavilion maintains a clear spatial and volumetric identity.