Mr. Péter Gereben and Mr. Balázs Marián

Author(s) / Team representatives

Mr. Péter Gereben and Mr. Balázs Marián




Gereben Marián Architects Ltd.

Co-authors/team members

Péter Gereben, Balázs Marián

External collaborators

Gergely Bódi, Miklós Dormán, Ödön Hajnal, Júlia Ivicsics, Gábor Percz, Sára Tábi, András Göde, Edina Király, Kati Maróti

Project location

Budapest, Hungary

Budget in euros

11.500.000 euro

Usable area

3200 sqm

Project start date

May 2018

Construction completion date

September 2023


Budapest Business University


Laterex Ltd.


See Website

Photo credits

Balázs Danyi

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Mr. Péter Gereben Pro Architectura prize-winning architect, leading designer, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the BME in 1998, and from the KTH in Stockholm in 1999. In 2004, he completed the XVII. cycle of Master's School. Between 2007-2010, he participated in DLA training at the doctoral school of MOME. From 2000, he designed at Team-Pannon, then at Turányi és Simon, in the studio of Péter Kis Architects, between 2002-2008 at Gereben and Partners Studio, and from 2010 in his own office, at Gereben Marián Architects Ltd. He has successfully participated in many tenders. //////////////////////////////////////// Mr. Balázs Marián Ybl- and Pro Arhitectura Prize-winning architect. He obtained his architectural degree in 1997 at the Department of Public Building Planning of the BME Faculty of Architectural Engineering, and his DLA doctorate in 2015 at the MOME Doctoral School. In 2004, the completed the XVII. cycle of Master's School. He has been a member and partner of various design studios since his university years; Since 2010, he is the co-founder and chief designer of Gereben Marián Architects Ltd. Between 1997 and 2010, he participated as a lecturer at the BME, and from 2008 at the MOME Institute of Architecture. He is currently an associate professor at the MOME Institute of Architecture, head of the MA department, supervisor of the Doctoral School, and designer in his own office, at Gereben Marián Architects Ltd.

Project description in English

The campus of the Budapest Business University is located in a residential and educational area of Budapest, characterized by housing blocks and a suburban layout. The majority of the residential and educational buildings in this area were built post-war, and are distributed within an intensive green space reminiscent of an urban park, which lends this mixed use environment a distinct atmosphere. Starting in the early 1970s, the university campus was built in several phases with explicitly late modernist characteristics. A dormitory and new educational and connecting wings were added in the 1980s. In 2018, the university launched a design competition to reorganize the chaotic interior circulation system of the campus and create a new library and multifunctional student center. The new open and closed community areas, sports and recreational spaces, library as well as study zones offer suitable spaces to accommodate functions that meet 21st century requirements. Thus the newly defined campus garden, dormitory and restaurant garden, the cafeteria and recreational areas, and the conference space connected to the entrance hall serve as multifunctional areas and community spaces for students and lecturers alike. The remodeling of the campus garden oriented wing of the dormitory provides the possibility to develop a more transparent, direct and accessible circulation system within the university, and create a more organic and permeable connection between the educational wing, the dormitory and the new wing. In addition to strengthening interconnectedness within the university, the interior courtyards are now liberated from the additions that disrupted their spatial proportions and environmental quality. The result is a revitalized and continuous green surface that highlights the newly defined campus garden of Bagolyvár utca. The internal organization of the new wing is defined by an internal restroom block encircled by wide spaces with multifunctional stairs, which in addition to connecting the reading areas of the library, define alternative learning and community spaces with seating surfaces and periodical shelving units. These spaces are divided by bookshelves that are perpendicular to the façades of the building and reading desks positioned between them, thus separating the spaces suitable for in-depth work from circulation and community areas.